Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Desafíos para la formación profesional del abogado para la ciudadanía global 

      Hurtado Magán, Giovana Iris ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
      Four experts in educational policies were interviewed to collect data on the challenges that professional training has to develop global citizenship. The methodological approach used is hermeneutic, through content analysis ...
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    • El ejercicio del control difuso en el caso de responsabilidad restringida por la edad 

      Ramírez Cárdenas, Jessica Natalí ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
      This article analyzed four final decisions of the Permanent Constitutional and Social Law Chamber of the Supreme Court corresponding to the year 2018, whose rulings presented dissenting votes regarding the non-application ...
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    • El medio ambiente: alcances desde la jurisprudencia 

      Morán Valdez, Marcos Omar; Vásquez Sánchez, José Ronald ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
      This article deals with some aspects of the environment and its legal protection from the perspective of the highest courts of justice. In this sense, as an initial approximation, a small development of the importance of ...
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    • La paridad, alternancia de género y evolución del rol de la mujer en la escena política y gestión pública en el Perú 

      Casanova Mera, Gina Valeria ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
      The article focuses on discussing the parity and alternation of women within the political scene and national public management, considering the globalization of the design and implementation of public policies in the last ...
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    • Reflexiones en torno a la reputación y su protección jurídica 

      Angulo Arana, Pedro Miguel ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
      In ancient Rome, to protect the State and prevent some people from accessing important positions, institutions such as infamy and ignominy were developed. In the Middle Ages, the concept of honor will arise to generate ...
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    • El sistema concursal frente a la COVID-19: el caso peruano 

      De la Puente, Carlos; Barrón, Francisco ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
      The purpose of this article is to evaluate how useful the Accelerated Bankruptcy Refinancing Procedure (PARC) could be to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to identify the contributions that its implementation ...
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