Recent Submissions

  • Análisis jurisprudencial de la introducción del derecho penal del enemigo en delitos económicos 

    Ahomed, Omar ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    The objective of this research is to identify how Peruvian courts of justice use elements of the enemy's criminal law to resolve economic crimes. Consequently, the conclusions of this article will demonstrate how the classic ...
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  • Desarrollo sostenible en las empresas del Perú: ¿voluntario u obligatorio? 

    Ruiz Vásquez, Úrsula Patricia ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    The objective of this article is to determine whether compliance with the concept of sustainable development, by companies in Peru, is voluntary or mandatory, based on a detailed review of literature related to corporate ...
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  • El representante aduanero 

    La Noire Núñez, José Antonio ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    This article develops concepts regarding the change in the regulations established in Peru on the certification, accreditation and authorization process of the customs representative, as well as the requirements that the ...
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  • Las garantías preferidas en la regulación bancaria 

    Raygada Castillo, Miguel Angel ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    The preferred guarantees are one of the most important tools that Peruvian banking regulation must mitigate credit risk and strengthen the soundness of financial system institutions, reducing the probability of bankruptcies ...
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  • Agotamiento del derecho de marca, importaciones paralelas y comercio internacional 

    Benites Arrieta, Gabriel ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    The principle of exhaustion of rights is one of the most discussed matters in intellectual property law, forming part of a debate that has not culminated in a global agreement. However, its application is present in all ...
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  • Cuando el derecho procesal y el arbitraje se encuentran 

    Pulido Del Pino, Natalí Juliana ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    This article is a reflection that, using doctrine and jurisprudence, aims to evaluate what happens with the determination of jurisdiction when we are faced with pathological clauses. Although, in principle, we should refer ...
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  • Multidisciplinariedad del derecho corporativo en México 

    Morales Ozuna, Enrique Eriberto ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    The central point of the study is to briefly explain the process of creating a commercial company with a multidisciplinary perspective of corporate law in Mexico, as an integrating axis of the legal disciplines consisting ...
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  • Análisis de la norma IX del código tributario. Integración jurídica 

    Chávez Gonzales, Ángel Marco ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    Because of autonomy of tax law Rule IX of the Tax Code introduces legal integration, that works in the field that is not protected by principle of legality and preference of law, through the procedures of analogy and legal ...
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  • Una peculiar visión del derecho. ¿y si por unos minutos nos apartamos de Kant y nos aproximamos a Nietzsche? 

    Da Giau Roose, Piero ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    This work presents reflections on the connection between law and sociology, ethics, morality, religion, literature and philosophy; and links legal concepts— assumed a priori—in their non-philosophical meaning. Raising ...
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  • Pacto resolutorio expreso algunos comentarios sobre su regulación civil y registral 

    Ortega Piana, Marco Antonio ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
    In the event of a serious breach of obligations, and having lost interest in the due performance, the creditor, as a faithful party to the respective legal relationship, may choose to invoke the agreement that had been ...
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  • La paridad, alternancia de género y evolución del rol de la mujer en la escena política y gestión pública en el Perú 

    Casanova Mera, Gina Valeria ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
    The article focuses on discussing the parity and alternation of women within the political scene and national public management, considering the globalization of the design and implementation of public policies in the last ...
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  • Desafíos para la formación profesional del abogado para la ciudadanía global 

    Hurtado Magán, Giovana Iris ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
    Four experts in educational policies were interviewed to collect data on the challenges that professional training has to develop global citizenship. The methodological approach used is hermeneutic, through content analysis ...
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  • El medio ambiente: alcances desde la jurisprudencia 

    Morán Valdez, Marcos Omar; Vásquez Sánchez, José Ronald ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
    This article deals with some aspects of the environment and its legal protection from the perspective of the highest courts of justice. In this sense, as an initial approximation, a small development of the importance of ...
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  • El ejercicio del control difuso en el caso de responsabilidad restringida por la edad 

    Ramírez Cárdenas, Jessica Natalí ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
    This article analyzed four final decisions of the Permanent Constitutional and Social Law Chamber of the Supreme Court corresponding to the year 2018, whose rulings presented dissenting votes regarding the non-application ...
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  • El sistema concursal frente a la COVID-19: el caso peruano 

    De la Puente, Carlos; Barrón, Francisco ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
    The purpose of this article is to evaluate how useful the Accelerated Bankruptcy Refinancing Procedure (PARC) could be to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to identify the contributions that its implementation ...
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  • Reflexiones en torno a la reputación y su protección jurídica 

    Angulo Arana, Pedro Miguel ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-06-30 )
    In ancient Rome, to protect the State and prevent some people from accessing important positions, institutions such as infamy and ignominy were developed. In the Middle Ages, the concept of honor will arise to generate ...
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  • Las medidas sanitarias y fitosanitarias en el Perú: marco teórico y legal 

    Zúñiga Schroder, Humberto ( Universidad ESAN, 2022-12-19 )
    The increasing demand for food products whose consumption does not generate unfavourable effects on peoples’ health has led to a considerable growth in the number of sanitary and phytosanitary measures developed — and used— ...
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  • El mejoramiento de los servicios logísticos y la facilitación del comercio exterior al amparo del Decreto Legislativo 1492 

    La Noire Núñez, José Antonio ( Universidad ESAN, 2022-12-19 )
    The author through this article intend to share with the reader their comments regarding the regulations established in Peru for the improvement of logistics services and the facilitation of foreign trade published in ...
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  • El bien jurídico en el delito de colusión 

    Pariona Arana, Raúl ( Universidad ESAN, 2022-12-19 )
    The determination of the legal interest in the crime of collusion is relevant for the legitimate application of criminal law. The validity of the principle of protection of legal assets is relevant in the field of crimes ...
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  • Fuentes del derecho tributario 

    Chávez Gonzales, Ángel Marco ( Universidad ESAN, 2022-12-19 )
    Sources of tax law produce introductory vehicles of regulations (Constitution, Treaties, Law, etc.) through a procedure, whose contents introduce articles, paragraphs, subsections, etc. to the legal system as introduced ...
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