JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 7 Nº 12 (2002)

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    Compañía Minera Malú S. A.: un caso de evaluación de inversiones
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo; Villanes Vergara, Liz
    This study addresses the case of a mining company that needs to evaluate the feasibility of a new attractive prospect in the Callejón de Huaylas, department of Ancash, for having estimated gold reserves of 1.4 million ounces. Attending to this objective, it sets out in detail the set of variables to be considered for the evaluation: exploration period, detail engineering need, estimation of the ore grade and exploitation period, investment requirements, operation, and administration costs, financing needs, and taxes pressure. With these data and an intermediate assumption about the price of gold, it is established that the project would be viable with an investment of 40% of own resources and 60% of resources of third parties with an interest rate of 9%. A fall in the price of gold would force an increase in the proportion of own resources.
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    La derrota del marketing: ¿realidad o nuevos desafíos gerenciales?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Cracco , Etienne
    As a result of its own research, the exhibitor systematizes the mistakes that companies usually make when applying new marketing strategies. It describes thirteen big mistakes based on the real experience of prestigious companies in Europe and the United States, explains the reasons for the failures and establishes the lessons that can be drawn from them. The sources of errors are discovered in the inadequate management of market analysis, business and organizational culture, information systems, the technological factor and communication channels.
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    Pequeña empresa: estrategias sistémicas para el crecimiento de un entorno global
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Roca Tavella, Santiago; Vargas Becerra, Braulio
    This article takes stock of the neoliberal essay in Peru and raises the need to promote national growth based on an endogenous vision and a national strategy of systemic competitiveness that enhances the collective effort of domestic actors, especially small businesses, so that the country can assess changes in the environment instead of succumbing to them. It ends by formulating a general and orderly framework of development policies that will serve as a guide for the design of systemic strategies and for the growth and consolidation of small businesses, in what constitutes the step from an existentialist approach to an approach that prioritizes competitive viability and growth based on high-value exports.
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    Impacto del marco institucional en el desarrollo de las organizaciones empresariales en el Perú
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Díaz Andrade, Antonio
    Exploratory research that seeks to identify aspects of the country's institutions that have influenced and influence, positively or negatively, the development of business organizations in Peru. The model designed shows the relations of interdependence between culture, education, State and globalization. The article also presents a conceptual framework to encourage serious debate on the importance of this issue and outlines guidelines on the role of business organizations in the economic and social development of the country.
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    Aprendizaje organizacional en organizaciones profesionales
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Arbaiza Fermini, Lydia
    This work examines at the exploratory level formal or informal organizational learning mechanisms that are present in organizations of professionals from the case of studies or law firms. This first approximation results in the identification of six organizational learning mechanisms: reflection on the cases, the revision of the doctrine, the trial and error, the monitoring, the diffusion of knowledge, and the spirit of the body. There is also a tendency to favour the culture of learning through the involvement and empowerment of employees, the transformation of the role of an administrator in the role of teacher and coach and a tendency towards a horizontal and participatory structure.
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    Corazón remendado
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Tateishi Saito, Víctor
    This work studies the case of a hospital specialized in neurological surgery and how top management in order to improve their services decides to hire three specialized doctors with studies abroad with special considerations causing conflicts between colleagues because the rules do not they were given to everyone equally.
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    El rol de la tecnología en la creación de países ricos y pobres : el subdesarrollo en un sistema schumpeteriano
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Reinert, Erik S.
    This study seeks to show that the dynamics of the Schumpeterian economy, besides explaining the generation of wealth, contains implicit elements of a theory of relative poverty. It aims to explain the role played by technological change in the creation of what has been called 'Schumpeterian underdevelopment. It is argued that the German economic school, of which Schumpeter is a part, has considered from the beginning the characteristic elements of a theory of uneven growth, which contrasts sharply with the Anglo-Saxon economic school, which, mainly since 1980, has generated theories of growth and trade that show an equitable distribution of commercial activity and income.
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    Noa Industrias S.A.: un caso de éxito en el Parque Industrial de Villa El Salvador
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Arbaiza Fermini, Lydia
    The success story about the growth of a small home furniture manufacturing company located in the Industrial Park of Villa El Salvador is shown in this work. In order to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty models and designs are in continuous innovation.
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    Latinoamérica y la cultura en el siglo XXI
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Giesecke Sara Lafosse, Margarita
    This study deals with Latin American culture from the perspective of history and as an essential theme to understand the complexity of the problem of underdevelopment. It examines what is meant by culture, traces the history of the formation of Latin American culture and points out the role that this should correspond to overcome underdevelopment in the context of a globalized world. He argues that communication democracy and education are the alternatives for the forging of cultural identities capable of negotiating with globalization.