JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 13 Nº 25 (2008)

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    La cultura negociadora en el Perú: un estudio exploratorio
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Ogliastri, Enrique; Salcedo, Gimmy
    This is a qualitative study about how to conduct business in Peru. It is based on 47 semi-structured questionnaires on pointed negotiation experiences in which a Peruvian side was involved. The information was classified into 23 items about the customs, tactics, concepts, expectations, beliefs and values that occur in conflict and negotiation processes in Peru. Here was found a culture very similar to that widespread in Latin America: the dominance of haggling as a negotiating process, based on an unreasonable request at the beginning that is to be adjusted slowly. Cordial relations are preferred in an informal atmosphere; it is customary to not do much preparation for the negotiation and recourse to cunning and power more often than to objective technical criteria. In this culture emotions are expressed, and uncertainties have generated a great deal of flexibility in negotiations. The results must be validated by further analysis. This study is part of an extensive research on intercultural negotiation.
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    Luces y sombras de la política de la competencia en Italia
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Berumen, Sergio A.
    In the past the responsible authorities of the Italian government have limited their performance to react to those pressures coming from the European Commission in respect to competence matters, but only in some exceptional circumstances the different Italian governments have acted in a reactive way. In this article it is demonstrated that the Italian policies regarding competence have been erratic; sometimes the authorities have reacted in time, but in some other occasions their intervention was quite urgent and it has arrived later than it was expected. To this effect, interest is focused in analyzing the evolution of the market and in pointing out the most significative advances that have been reached in respect to their internal market liberalization.
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    Proyecto de gestión de servicios para personas con discapacidad en Ventanilla
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Figueroa, Jacqueline; León, Laura
    This article presents the problem of the large number of people with disabilities in Mi Perú, Ventanilla, in addition to their limited access to health services, rehabilitation, and physical and psychological therapy, which is an issue of utmost importance due to the inaccessibility posed by the distance to these services and to the scarce economic resources of its people. There is a project that aims at the main socio-economic inclusion of the disabled people through their access to the services they need by improving such services in their towns. This project has three components: a) training in the care and attention, b) adequate equipment infrastructure in the rehabilitation centers and c) strengthening of management personnel within the framework of an agreement between the Municipality of Ventanilla and the Health Ministry, under which the municipality bears the cost of the center, and the ministry be responsible for the salaries of administrative and health personnel.
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    La relación accionista-empresa en Internet: análisis desde el enfoque de confianza
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Alonso Almeida, María del Mar
    During the last decade there has been a break of trust of the shareholders to the company. Several factors converge to bring this breakthrough on the one hand, certain abuses of the “creative” reflected in an excessive “make-up” of the financial information and on the other hand, poor practices among some market players that have resulted in distrust and uncertainty about the present and the prospects for future. The aim of this paper is analyze trust between shareholders and companies and provide a model of communication via Internet to contribute to build confidence between them.
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    Escuelas limpias: proyecto de gestión ambiental
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Cárdenas, Pedro; Dextre, Tonny; García, Vicky; Santivañez, Liliana
    Environmental problems, pollution and global warming can be addressed from different perspectives. This project seeks to be an effective proposal to address these issues. It directs its efforts to the development of a process of awareness of young Peruvians between the ages of 11 and 15, to be incorporated into public schools through a program of environmental education. It starts from identifying a district model with critical levels of pollution in which to promote and implement an appropriate environmental education to contribute to the improvement and welfare of the environment The Independencia district was selected for it shows acute health problems, pollution and poor environmental awareness and culture, with the whole purpose of changing the attitude of a group of young people, parents and teachers to the social and environmental problems of their environment, instilling in them awareness and training in environmental education to create a multiplier effect and to improve their quality of life.
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    El impacto de los factores críticos de éxito en la implementación de sistemas integrados de ERP
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Maldonado, Miguel
    Although is a recent topic, the analysis of the success of the integrated systems implementation of the enterprise resource planning (erp) is a topic that has a lot of relevance for the information technology (it) community. However, as a result of this novelty, most of the existent investigation is limited to qualitative methodologies or descriptive studies oriented to big companies or corporations mainly. This investigation presents a model that seeks to reveal the determining factors of the success of erp implementation in a small and medium Latin American company. The validation of this empiric model allowed to verify significant relationships between training and it abilities in the company and the success of the implementation, measured by the time required for this one. It was also verified the impact of this time over the perception of the companies global satisfaction with the erp implementation. The investigation concludes with recommendations for its application and also suggests additional potential areas of investigation inspired by an amazing collateral result obtained.
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    Organizaciones privadas del sector salud de Maracaibo: estrategias financieras y ventajas competitivas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Borjas, Carlos
    The objective of the research was to analyze the financial strategies for developing competitive advantages in the private health sector organizations in Maracaibo, Venezuela, through a descriptive methodology that required documental analysis and the application of a survey as tool for data collection, to the financial managers of the health centres of the city. A trend was found in the financial strategies of giving importance to the generation of business value and shareholder value, as well as a dual type of internal-external funding that positively affect the development of competitive advantages that allow them to face the dynamism imposed by the context.