Now showing items 1-20 of 953

    • 10 years of service quality measurement: reviewing the use of the SERVQUAL instrument 

      Nyeck, Simon; Morales, Miguel; Ladhari, Riadh; Pons, Frank ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-12-30 )
      In 1988, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry developed an instrument to measure the quality of service. Since that date, this instrument has been used in numerous studies on different industries and in different countries, ...
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    • A holistic model of education quality in marketing management: an exploratory testing in Spanish universities 

      Rivera-Camino, Jaime ( Universidad ESAN, 2010 )
      Over the last decades, education quality (EQ) assurance has emerged as an important public policy issue. Unfortunately, there is still no agreement on the following issues: EQ definitions, essential assessment indicators, ...
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    • A propósito de la privatización de Petroperú: negocios independientes o integración vertical 

      Roca, Santiago ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30 )
      It analyzes the various sales modalities raised in view of the privatization of the state oil company, Petroperú, mainly the modality of subdivision into independent businesses proposed by the Special Committee for the ...
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    • A propósito del enfoque BCG 

      Esteves Dejo, Martha Cecilia ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It raises some of the limitations of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) method, a successful consulting product considered a simple tool that helps to comprehensively understand the decisions a company makes about its future. ...
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    • Absorptive capacity and innovation in low-tech companies in emerging economies 

      Del Carpio, Javier Fernando; Miralles Torner, Francesc ( Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2018-08-02 )
      Innovation capacity is on the focus of policy makers in emerging economies. Although some studies show the antecedents of innovation capacity for developed economies and high technological industries, scant research outcomes ...
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    • Abuso de poder económico, acaparamiento y especulación 

      Stucchi, Pierino; Ballon Estacio, Fernando ( Universidad ESAN, 2021-12-11 )
      This article addresses the recent legislative developments on the crimes of abuse of economic power, hoarding and speculation in the Peruvian jurisdiction, as well as the inconvenience that its validity represents for the ...
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    • Un acercamiento al concepto de cultura 

      Podestá C., Paola ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30 )
      The following article, derived from a research conducted in an organization that belongs to the airline industry, intends to approach the concept of Culture from two theoretical viewpoints, and propose a possibility of ...
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    • Actividad empresarial y rol promotor del estado en la constitución peruana de 1993 

      Gasco Valer, María del Carmen ( Universidad ESAN, 2022-06-24 )
      This article proposes a constitutional approach of the role of Government in Economy, and the principle of subsidiarity in the 1993 Peruvian Constitution. The proposal discusses the generally accepted notion of promotion ...
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    • Actualización del valor de la deuda agraria : análisis legal de las resoluciones del Tribunal Constitucional 

      Martínez, César; Flores, Daniel; Henríquez, Renzo; Salazar, Pío ( Universidad ESAN, 2018 )
      En 1969, la expropiación de tierras en el marco del proceso de reforma agraria originó las figuras legales de la deuda agraria y de los bonos con los que se pretendía pagarla. Sin embargo, los tenedores nunca pudieron hacer ...
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    • El Acuerdo Nacional como espacio de consenso para la definición de los objetivos de la reforma de salud y establecer políticas de salud en el Perú 

      Nepo-Linares, Edgardo; Velásquez, Aníbal ( Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2016-08-09 )
      After several months of arduous deliberations, the National Agreement, a policy coordination forum highest level in Peru, approved a document entitled “The objectives of health care reform.” In this article it review the ...
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    • Addressing sustainable rural development with shared value: a Peruvian model from the cacao industry 

      Borda, Armando; Morales, Oswaldo; Teegen, Hildy; Rees, Gareth H.; Gonzalez-Perez, Maria Alejandra ( MDPI, 2021-07-19 )
      Here we present a model aimed at contributing to the literature around sustainable supply chains by examining a novel redesign initiative of the chocolate supply chain within the Peruvian cacao (cocoa) industry. Using the ...
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    • La administración del desarrollo sostenible en el contexto de la economía social de mercado 

      Vera, José Carlos ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-12-30 )
      The theory of market social economy appears neatly when dealing with environmental conservation and the search for the wellbeing of the underprivileged. These concepts have been used in various countries and today it is ...
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    • La administración pública en Gran Bretaña 

      Plowden, William ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30 )
      This article focuses on the central national government of Great Britain. It outlines the most important permanent features of the British administration, those which have remained constant over the past hundred years or ...
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    • Administración pública y los principios del derecho administrativo en Perú 

      Rojas, Piero ( Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2015-06-17 )
      The Draft Law on Peru’s Public Administration Framework is the first legal instrument that develops the fundamental standards of the organization and functioning of public administration. This piece seeks to reflect and ...
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    • Adopción e implementación del comercio electrónico por empresas medianas en el Perú: un estudio de casos 

      Yamakawa Tsuja, Peter; Serida Nishimura, Jaime ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-12-30 )
      This paper examines the factors associated with the adoption of electronic commerce and the relationship between these factors and the degree of implementation of this technology in medium-sized companies in Peru. It does ...
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    • Adoption determinants of the International Accounting Standards IAS/IFRS by the developing countries 

      Zehri, Fatma; Chouaibi, Jamel ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-12-30 )
      This paper’s main objective is to identify certain explanatory factors that likely clarify the choice of applying IAS/IFRS adopted by developing countries (DCs) up until the year 2008. Based on a sample consisting of 74 ...
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    • ADR effects on domestic Latin American financial market 

      Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-06-30 )
      The purpose of this paper is to revisit and extend previous research work that examines the ADR-listing effects on the trading process of all the domestically-listed stocks in the main Latin American exchanges. The most ...
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    • Agencia moral de la empresa: el aporte del análisis causal aristotélico 

      Preziosa, María Marta ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30 )
      The initial question about the ontological status of the corporation precedes the question about its moral status. The Aristotelian causes are constitutive principles of reality that infl uence each other reciprocally and ...
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    • Agency costs and the size discount: evidence from acquisitions 

      Offenberg, David ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-12-30 )
      Many scholars have found a negative relationship between a firm’s size and its value, as measured by Tobin’s q. This result is called the size discount. There are hypotheses about why the size discount exists, but none ...
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    • Agotamiento del derecho de marca, importaciones paralelas y comercio internacional 

      Benites Arrieta, Gabriel ( Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31 )
      The principle of exhaustion of rights is one of the most discussed matters in intellectual property law, forming part of a debate that has not culminated in a global agreement. However, its application is present in all ...
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