Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • On requeriments for mobile commerce 

      Veijalainen, Jari; Yamakawa, Peter; Matsumoto, Mitsuji; Markkula, Jouni; Tsalgatidou, Afrodite; Hadjiefthymiades, Stathes ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      Advances in the Internet and wireless networks and the rapid growth in the number of mobile devices have resulted in the accelerated growth of mobile commerce. We consider mobile commerce as a subset of electronic commerce ...
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    • Toxicología ambiental en minería: herramientas para la evaluación del impacto 

      Zegarra Macchiavello, Darío; Frías Martinelli, Óscar ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      The growing interest in the effects that mining causes on the environment has given rise to new forms of prevention and control in this industry. The start-up of a mining operation can be understood as an alteration of an ...
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    • Fundamentos del saber administrativo 

      Podestá Correa, Paola; Jurado Jurado, Juan Carlos ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      This article of an introductory nature for the student of administration reviews the evolution of administrative knowledge using concepts of philosophy and history of science. Difference the practice of administrative ...
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    • E-Learning en Endesa: estudio de caso 

      Jáuregui Machuca, Kety ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      In view of the evident potential shown by new technologies for education more and more companies are developing and implementing training programs using the facilities provided by these technologies. In turn new providers ...
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    • Empresa Agroindustrial Pomalca S.A. 

      Gastañaduy Benel, Alfonso; Lozano Gago, Ubaldo ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      Pomalca is one of the oldest sugars producing companies in Peru located on the North coast of the Department of Lambayeque which in the last decades has gone through a long period of crisis. The present study makes an ...
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    • Cómo desarrollar la ciencia y tecnología en los países atrasados: una mirada en prospectiva 

      Dejo Soto, Federico ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      The present work exposes in the author's opinion which are the necessary conditions that must converge to make possible a permanent impulse to the scientific and technological development in the backward countries. The ...
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    • Portafolio de marcas: un marco conceptual 

      Chailan, Claude; Boyer, André; Calderón Moncloa, Luis Felipe ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      In the last twenty years, the knowledge of the brand has been considerably enriched, in tandem with the importance it has acquired. But it is necessary to deepen in one aspect of this topic: the relationship between the ...
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    • Estudio semiótico de la relación entre estilo de comunicación y liderazgo: el caso del presidente Alejandro Toledo 

      Brown Gutiérrez, Ofelia ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      Through semiotic analysis, it is possible to know the symbology that a subject makes of his interpretation of the relations with the universe. This study is a first approach to the analysis of the symbolic world of Alejandro ...
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    • Control Quality S.A. 

      Tateishi Saito, Víctor ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-12-30 )
      This work studies the case of the multinational company Control Quality Ltd., leader in quality control in mining and food products. And the case of Oscar Perez who assumes the supervision of one of the laboratories whose ...
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