Now showing items 1-20 of 492

    • Propuesta para el ordenamiento de los sistemas de gestión del agua en los países de América Latina y el Caribe 

      Dourojeanni, Axel ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It specifically analyzes how it is carried out and how the management of water resources can be improved for its integral management. It is emphasized that what is really important is to give a comprehensive treatment to ...
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    • Performance estratégica y económica de empresas estatales: el caso de las aerolíneas latinoamericanas 

      Gallegos Monteagudo, Armando ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      Seeks to develop new methods to identify objectives and evaluate the performance of state-owned companies, as well as to compare their performance with that of private companies. Comprises the operations between 1981 and ...
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    • Pequeña empresa: papel de nuevo gerente de marketing Escobita Nueva 

      Fischer, Konrad; Gastañaduy, Alfonso ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It presents the case of a family-owned garment company whose development has responded more to the founder's desire to provide his family with a sufficiently comfortable living than to the entrepreneurial vision that would ...
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    • Calidad total: solución empresarial 

      D'Alessio Ipinza, Fernando ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It presents the fundamentals of the total quality strategy, in the understanding of how beneficial the implementation of this strategy is by generating valuable effects on the entire organization. It summarizes the modern ...
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    • Mercadeo informal estrategia de pequeña empresa: la necesidad obliga 

      Gastañaduy, Alfonso ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It presents the case of a textile entrepreneur facing a difficult situation due to the oversizing of his business and the neglect of marketing variables, at a time when inflation levels are high and a sharp recession process ...
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    • A propósito del enfoque BCG 

      Esteves Dejo, Martha Cecilia ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It raises some of the limitations of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) method, a successful consulting product considered a simple tool that helps to comprehensively understand the decisions a company makes about its future. ...
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    • Ejercicio de negociación: una decisión de rutina 

      Tejada Oshiro, C ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30 )
      It shows an exercise whose objective is to get the students or participants to design the strategy they will follow during a negotiation process, taking into account the basic principles of a price negotiation. It simulates ...
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    • Gestión y política industrial en sectores de alta tecnología: el caso de los semiconductores 

      Carter, Shelby H.; Cooper, William W.; Kozmetsky, George; Sinha, Kingshuk K.; Sun, Dee Bruce ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      This case analyzes what elements could entail in the United Stated industrial policy, giving a special emphasis on permanent changing modern high-tech industries environment. At the same time, it is sought to demonstrate ...
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    • El gerente y la cultura de las empresas en el Paraguay 

      García de Benavides, Consuelo ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      It gives an approach about management, its styles and the culture of Latin American companies – topics dealt with sparsely and marginally – from Paraguay’s case which country is unique to the rest of the continent. The ...
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    • Inversión en capital humano: la percepción de los directivos de empresa 

      Vera, José Carlos ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      Research dedicated to prevention in health matters, specifically that related to the worker in the company and that related to the care of the mother and the child in the framework of family planning. In-depth interviews ...
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    • Laboratorios Senosiain S.A. de C.V.: primero la familia y después el negocio 

      Espinosa Gamboa, Emilio L. ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      The present case is about the evolution of a family business whose beginning dates back to the early XX century. Having been a modest provincial pharmacy, over the years it became one of the most important pharmaceutical ...
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    • Comentarios sobre el entorno empresarial: la variable política 

      Silva Vegas, Gerardo ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      It aims to provide the manager, in his capacity as the leader of an organization that produces goods or services for society, an analytical instrument that allows him to decompose the most complex external factor: the ...
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    • Laboratorio Burbujas de Amor 

      Ortega Meneses, Luis ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      In the present case study, the shrimp larvae laboratory «Bubbles of Love», dedicated for providing larvae of this crustacean to shrimp companies, receives the proposal to supply a large company of the field, which would ...
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    • Temperatura S.A 

      Valdez Flórez, Enrique ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      Case study on a company that, due to little interest in the proper use of the computer system, makes a serious mistake that causes serious damage to one of its main customers. The objective is to motivate students in the ...
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    • “Las niñas también juegan con carritos” la mujer en la gerencia: el caso del Perú 

      Adaniya, Ana Rosa; Pérez-Costa, Rosa P. de ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30 )
      The purpose of this research is to determine whether there are differences between managers’ perceptions about the characteristics of a successful manager. It is based on Schein’s studies of gender role stereotypes and the ...
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    • Caribbean Veneer Company 

      Bornás Huerta, Rafael V. ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30 )
      Case study of a small company founded in 1987 by «amateur" entrepreneurs who entrusted their management to operational executives used to «command done» without considering the importance of a plan and without basic technical ...
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    • Compañía de productos fritos "Bocaos" Ltda. 

      Angulo Olaya, Myriam ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30 )
      Family business in the food industry managed by five of nine siblings is experiencing declining sales and rising costs. A board of partners must set new directions and policies for the future. The case begins by describing ...
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    • Concesión de créditos 

      Cárdenas B., Jorge ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30 )
      The objective of this study is to present a generic methodology to contribute to the improvement of the procedures for deciding to grant credit, and at the same time, to guide potential clients and promote a healthy and ...
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    • Distribuidores Textiles S.A. (DITEXSA) 

      Valdés Palacio, Armando ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30 )
      This case study presents the situation of a clothing company with many years of operation that is affected when the entry into the market of department stores, or large retailers, causes changes in the distribution system ...
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    • Estructura de propiedad de las firmas y grupos económicos: el caso chileno 

      Paredes M., Ricardo; Flor R., Lincoln ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30 )
      It analyzes the ownership structure of Chilean firms and the effect that conglomerates or economic groups produce on this structure. The central hypothesis is that the ownership structure of firms owned or controlled by ...
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