
Permanent URI for this communityhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4147


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    Holistic evaluation of the current situation of an organic banana exporter medium-size Peruvian company: What alternatives does Anpro have to remain competitive in the sector and profitable to shareholders?
    (Universidad ESAN, 2023) Campos Scattolon, Diego Enrique; Yacoub, Ghassan
    I used a two-stage methodology. Firstly, I analyzed the current situation of the company, including its operations, profitability, and how other companies in the banana sector are functioning. This helped me gain a better understanding of the company. In the second stage, I applied Design Thinking to establish new strategic targets based on the attributes that were important to the stakeholders. These targets aimed to maintain the company's profitability and sustainability. In the initial stage, it has been observed the lack of strategic planning based on customers' and farmers' preferences, absence of cost analysis, no cash flow projections, and insufficient management in Piura. Following the second stage, after analyzing the feedback from stakeholders during interviews, nine strategic recommendations have been proposed. These include auditing inventories, implementing backward vertical integration, restructuring short-term liabilities to long-term, hiring a new production manager, developing key performance indicators, creating a loyalty program with farmers, investing in live reports using ERP (SAP), diversifying the customer base, and investing in tractors/trucks. Based on the available evidence, it appears that ANPRO has the ability to thrive as a successful and enduring business. The product is in demand, customers are showing interest, and farmers have placed their trust in ANPRO. However, in addition to making internal changes, the company must urgently seek out a finangcial institution willing to provide sustainable, long-term funding, as well as consider recommendations for reprofiling and backward vertical integration.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Canales de evaluación : metodología para otorgar líneas de capital de trabajo para la banca empresa y la banca corporativa del banco Interbank
    (Universidad ESAN, 2016) Campos Scattolon, Diego Enrique; Evangelista Cabrera, Jannet Liliana; Ruiz-Gonzalez Kegel, Gerardo; Tejada Caminiti, Olenka Amelia; Fuentes Cruz, César
    En la presente tesis, se busca entender qué es lo realmente necesita el cliente para sentir que Interbank es ágil, para el proceso específico de resolución de líneas de crédito de Banca Empresa y Corporativa. Se aplicó nuevamente la metodología Design Thinking, obteniendo como resultado que lo que más necesita el cliente de Interbank es un trato diferenciado, resultando como alternativa de solución la creación de canales diferenciados de evaluación. El objetivo general de la tesis es diseñar un proceso crediticio de aprobación y renovación de líneas de crédito para Banca Empresa y Banca Corporativa de Interbank que logre satisfacer la agilidad requerida por el cliente externo, alineado con la cultura de riesgos del banco. Dentro de los objetivos específicos se encuentran: (i) cuantificar el potencial ahorro tras la aplicación de la metodología propuesta, (ii) identificar los filtros claves que logren un equilibrio entre la agilidad requerida por los clientes y la política crediticia del banco Interbank y (iii) estandarizar los procesos y asegurar que el tiempo de demora de aprobación de línea de crédito de cada cliente sea acorde a su complejidad.