JEFAS Vol. 23 Nº 45 (2018)

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    Social power of preadolescent children on influence in their mothers’ purchasing behavior: initial study in Peruvian toy stores
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-07-01) Carrillo, Miriam; Gonzalez-Sparks, Alicia; Salcedo, Nestor U.
    Purpose: This paper aims to investigate the relationship between legitimate and expert social power types of preadolescent children on the influence perception in their mothers’ purchasing behavior in Peruvian toy stores. The literature review takes into consideration the concepts of social power and the influence on family behavior to then focus on social power within family behavior with the purpose of mainly developing four hypotheses regarding purchasing behavior. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology followed a non-experimental transversal correlational-causal design. A pilot sample size of 67 cases was used. The sample was based on an objective population of Peruvian mothers of families that live in northern Lima and that go to purchase toys to major shopping centers with their children aged 8-11 years. Findings: The results show that the expert social power, as well as the legitimate social power, has a strong relationship. In addition, both social powers have an impact on the influence perception in purchasing child-mother, but not on the influence perception in purchasing mother-child. Moreover, the test of moderation of the expenditure level on toy purchases did not have an effect on the context that was studied. Originality/value: The contribution shows that important changes are happening in the consumption behavior on the aspect of children influencing mothers, and that for Latin American contexts, the level of expenditure still does not crucially affect the causality demonstrated.
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    The influence of knowledge related to innovative performance
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-07-01) Leiva, Juan Carlos; Brenes-Sanchez, Ronald
    Purpose: This paper aims to assess knowledge relatedness as a possible determinant of business innovation performance. Knowledge relatedness is understood as the degree of similarity between a firm’s knowledge and that of its parent, i.e. the company that the entrepreneur leaves to establish his or her own firm. Innovation performance results from the competitive position that the company achieves through its management of new products and services on the market. Design/methodology/approach: For the empirical work, the authors used a database composed of 356 entrepreneurs who established recently their own business in Costa Rica: people who stopped working in multinational companies in Costa Rica and created their own businesses, and people who created their own businesses simultaneously as the former employees of multinationals. Findings: This paper reports a positive and significant correlation between knowledge relatedness and innovation performance for a number of young firms. Originality/value: This paper presents the fact of including knowledge relatedness as a research topic linked to business innovation.
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    Earnings management para evitar reportar pérdidas: Chile,2010-2014
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-07-01) Cornejo Saavedra, Edinson Edgardo
    Purpose: This paper aims to examine whether a sample of non-financial Chilean firms performed earnings management to avoid the decreases and losses in the earnings during the 2010-2014 period. Design/methodology/approach: The analysis is undertaken using the distributions of earnings changes and earnings, according to Burgstahler and Dichev (1997) methodology. Findings: The results showed unusually low frequencies of small losses and small declines in earnings and unusually high frequencies of small benefits and small increases in earnings. Both results were statistically significant. Practical implications: The study presents evidence of possible earnings management activity to avoid reporting losses and earnings decreases during the period 2010-2014. These results would allow to identify “suspicious” companies of earnings management and would increase the likelihood of detecting firms that managed upside the reported earnings or that–in an extreme case– would be committing a fraud not disclosed. Originality/value – The results of these types of studies would be useful to carry out monitoring and control activities, to increase transparency in the stock market.
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    La cuarta hélice y la financiación de la innovación
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-07-01) Sierra, Jaime
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to deal with the emerging relationship between civil society and the innovation system in Latin America and the Caribbean – the financing of innovation particularly – with the intention of suggesting a differentiated conceptual perspective and raising some of the most relevant questions presently. Approach: There is a structural disconnect between civil society and the world of innovation. However the exploration of the divergences between the neo-institutional and neo-evolutionist perspectives of the triple helix makes it possible to state that the evolution of funders in different contexts can generate an emerging articulation. The effects on the existing "systemness" particularly in Latin America and the Caribbean will depend to a large extent on the conceptual approach adopted and on its institutionalization in terms ofrestructuring the systemness of innovation systems and their governance. Findings: The evolution of the relationships between emerging financing mechanisms and innovative projects in Latin America and the Caribbean constitutes both an opportunity and a risk. If systemness is restructured the region could follow a path with high expectations; if traditional sub-dynamics persist the emerging phenomenon could be stripped of its full potential. Contribution: A different conceptual and practical analysis of the topic of financing innovation is proposed with emphasis on the Latin American and Caribbean case. Additionally research paths are suggested that reduce uncertainty about the relationship between the actors of the innovation system and civil society and its potential impact.
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    A bibliometric analysis of venture capital research
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-07-01) Cancino, Christian A.; Merigo, José M.; Torres, Juan P.; Díaz, David
    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present the evolution of academic research in venture capital (VC) research between 1990 and 2014. Design/methodology/approach: The study analyzes the most influential journals in VC research by analyzing papers which were published on the Web of Science database. Findings: Results show a steady increasing rate of VC research during the past 25 years. The paper reports the 40 academic journals that permanently publish articles about VC research. Originality/value: The main contribution of this work is to develop a general overview of the leading journals in VC research which leads to the development of a future research agenda for bibliometric analysis such as the review of the most productive and influential authors universities and countries in VC research.