JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 2 Nº 4 (1993)

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    Banco Canaima en la encrucijada: la nueva era estratégica
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Zavatti, Elvis
    This case study develops the decision that must be made by the directors of a Venezuelan bank, Banco Canaima, in an unsophisticated market with a small number of competitors in the face of a reform of the financial system. It discusses what new strategy will be in the short, medium and long term and what direction the company should take: continue to grow or consolidate, as well as the concrete actions that would be taken in each case to implement the chosen strategy and to face the changes in the financial system and the increase of local and foreign competition. The purpose of this case study is to teach students the different obstacles that stand in the way of planning to change an organization’s strategy. Finally, marketing concepts may also be applicable to the activities of the banking sector.
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    La administración pública en Gran Bretaña
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Plowden, William
    This article focuses on the central national government of Great Britain. It outlines the most important permanent features of the British administration, those which have remained constant over the past hundred years or so. It then describes the major changes in the public service between 1960 and 1970 and during the government of Margaret Thatcher. It also discusses some unresolved issues and identifies key lessons learned on how to reform and maintain an efficient public administration. Furthermore, it is explained that the British civil service has been altered by accession to the European Community, because their laws restrict the formulation or implementation of British public policies. Finally, thirteen essential elements for an effective civil service in a modern democratic state are mentioned.
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    Hacia el cierre de los «cementerios de proyectos». Por qué fracasan las redes estratégicas: el caso de los proyectos de desarrollo con fondos internacionales
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Adaniya, Ana Rosa
    It seeks to find the reasons why development projects fail focusing the analysis on the initial stage of strategic networks, considering that these projects conceptually fall within the definition of strategic networks. For this, the so-called grounded theory method of analysis is used, which allows the theory to be "discovered" from very detailed descriptions of what is observed. The unit of analysis are economic development projects financed with international funds, of which a small sample is taken. It is concluded that it is not only the lack of money that prevents the approval and implementation of projects, but also the asymmetries between organizations, as it is suggested that managerial and technological capacities, as well as legitimacy and trust, are not used to balance the subordinate position in which local organizations are found. However, it is argued that a better management of asymmetries will avoid the recurrence of the dominant-submissive behavior observed in the initiation of projects and will allow greater flexibility, which will result in the best design of the projects and increase the possibilities of their successful execution.
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    Embalaje sin fondo
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Sierralta Ríos, Aníbal
    This case is aimed at international trade operators, production managers and students of Administration and Marketing; its purpose is to help them put into practice their knowledge of packaging, quality control and international marketing of tropical products, allowing them to learn the basic elements of international standardization. This is a real-life case and can be applied to any Latin American country, it highlights the importance of quality control systems and international standardization to reduce costs. In addition, even though it is not its main objective, it shows the demands of developed countries that are show in the form of technical barriers.
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    Construcción de escenarios cognoscitivos basados en tendencias cualitativas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Scheel, Carlos
    This study offers a model for the construction of cognitive scenarios based on a systemic approach, and on the identification, tracking and projection of qualitative trends. The model is part of the exploratory strategy of a flexible knowledge-bases decision support system, designed by the author himself to handle unstructured environments. The concept of cognitive scenarios is based on qualitative trends and provides an effective and functional frame of reference for decision makers who need to project complex situations over long periods of time and in which many factors affect the behavior of the results. It is concluded that cognitive scenarios generate a series of intuitive behavioral patterns able to support strategies that, in general, are not able to be managed by conventional descriptive or normative models. In addition, cognitive scenarios provide a stronger support to develop strategic policies for decision makers.
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    El logro del éxito en los mercados globales: una investigación sobre la fabricación en Estados Unidos y Japón
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Giffi, Craiff A.; Roth, Aleda V.
    It summarizes the essential factors that explain competitive success according to both Japanese and North American manufacturers and outlines future manufacturing strategies to be developed in both countries. It is based on the results of a research carried out with approximately 900 North American and Japanese executives. In the development of the study, the manufacturing performance of companies in Japan and the United States is described, a vision of the key characteristics of Japanese manufacturing technology is presented, and strategies to improve the global competitiveness of manufacturing are proposed. Finally, it concludes with a discussion of Japanese "secrets" to achieve success, and what that means for American manufacturing in the next decade; the following are noted: technical-managerial intellectual capital, technology that replaces workforce and improves labor productivity, process orientation, customer and repair service, and factor productivity.
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    Mextex S.A. estrategias administrativas: pequeñas empresas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Anzola Rojas, Sérvulo
    It presents the case of a small business that faces a diverse problem at the internal and external levels, for which the manager requests the opinion of experts. It is provided information about production, finances, market, marketing strategies, distribution and sales; in addition to data related to personnel control and public relations. Among the causes of the company's difficulties seem to be the inadequate sales system, the dependence on a single customer, the poor organization of production and the little automated control system. It offers the student the opportunity to apply tools and techniques of a strategic nature, with an emphasis on planning and controlling, in a small or medium-sized company that lacks coordination and integration within each area and the company as a whole. To facilitate the analysis, a scheme is included for the formulation, identification and definition of a business strategy.