JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 11 Nº 21 (2006)

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    Instrumentos de análisis para identificar operaciones de lavado de dinero
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Vera, José Carlos
    Money laundry is the process that hides the origin of resources obtained through illegal activities like drug trafficking, smuggling, corruption, tax fraud, white-collar crimes, public misappropriation, extortion, illegal work, and, lately, terrorism. The resources are presented as coming from legal activities, and are freely traded in the financial system. However, thanks to the ongoing efforts of international organisms, the countries have established regulations, institutions and organisms to fi ght this crime. In Peru, the entity created for this purpose is the Financial Intelligence Unit, and several legal provisions have been set forth in this regard. This document presents a methodology aimed at generating analysis instruments, indicators and procedures to allow fi nancial institutions to detect money laundry operations. The information used to generate said indicators is provided by INEI’s annual economic survey database, and the information to generate the analysis instrument comes from satellite accounts.
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    Simplificación administrativa municipal ¿imposición o iniciativa propia?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Castillo Mendives, Ángela
    In 2006, thanks to an international cooperation project, an administrative simplification process was implemented in a Peruvian province municipality to evaluate and modify the stages for the issuance of operation permits. As this initiative was organized by the cooperating institution, access to information was not complete and this resulted in overlapped efforts, additional time investment, changes in the budget and, above all, some inaccuracies in the expected results, which were noticed at the end of the consultation process by the municipality’s own staff. This case will demonstrate the importance of taking into account the points of view of an organization’s members during the decision-making process, as this is the key to success in any change initiative.
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    Las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) y su impacto en el sistema de compras y contrataciones públicas: el caso de la región de Los Lagos en Chile
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Ganga Contreras, Francisco; Águila Sánchez, Marcela
    This article underscores the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on organizations in the new information or knowledge society. In this effort, it addresses the main theoretical foundations of ICTs and highlights the leading role placed by the Chilean government in e-trade by creating an on-line government procurement system (ChileCompra). Additionally, it presents the results of a survey to suppliers in the Los Lagos region on their perception of this new system, in operation since 2003. Specifi cally, it aims at finding out what is the present status and impact of ICTs in the Los Lagos region, what are the main inconveniences suppliers find in this region to operate the new system and how satisfied they are with these services.
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    Pulpochoque: un caso de responsabilidad empresarial
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Solano, David
    As in many other localities within Peru, Pulpochoque received investments that did not generate population development, as said investment were economic-oriented and did not take into account the needs of people. The gap between the interests of both actors (the company vs. the people), deepened by personal feelings, created an attitude of rejection towards Chochomin mining company (Chinese capitals) and its staff. Julio Concha, the company’s new head of community relations, has to face this hard situation and restart activities that were paralyzed by the population. This case is based on real facts and shows that personal attitudes and approach can often be keys to open or chains to close the doors of social consensus activities.
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    Un acercamiento al concepto de cultura
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Podestá C., Paola
    The following article, derived from a research conducted in an organization that belongs to the airline industry, intends to approach the concept of Culture from two theoretical viewpoints, and propose a possibility of analysis from the relation between relevant concepts of such perspectives. These afore-mentioned relations are also proposed as a reference to study cultural change in organizations. The central question impacts the concept of organizational culture and enhances a reflection: Is cultural transformation possible in an organization?
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    Plan de negocios para la industrialización y exportación de lúcuma de seda
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Álvarez Huamaní, Zoila; Bravo Cárdenas, Luis Enrique; Tagami Oshita, Richard
    The authors evaluate the best alternatives to offer eggfruit in foreign markets, by stressing the fruit’s advantages and looking for an appropriate by-product attractive for exportation. Their evaluation is based on a research on eggfruit, its types, characteristics, uses, growing in Peru and industrialization methods, and also on statistical data collection, and production and exports projections. Italy was found to be the most appropriate destination, because of its traditional ice cream market, where freeze-dried eggfruit powder can be used as main fl avoring input. Taking these fi ndings into account, the authors propose a 10-year business plan which includes a strategic proposal for installation and business growth, both at the production integration level and the product development level. It is about the search for a feasible, profi table and sustainable business opportunity.
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    Agencia moral de la empresa: el aporte del análisis causal aristotélico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Preziosa, María Marta
    The initial question about the ontological status of the corporation precedes the question about its moral status. The Aristotelian causes are constitutive principles of reality that infl uence each other reciprocally and which we apply to the enterprise to design its anatomy’s ontological structure. The corporation’s material cause is the capability its members have to associate. The formal intrinsic cause is its organization for producing and trading the goods man needs. The extrinsic formal or exemplary cause is the shared mental model. And the corporation’s fi nal cause is its mission. And the common good is the mediate end that gives it sense. The corporation is considered as an entity possessing a certain unity based in the order embodied in the plexus of internal-external relations of the corporation.
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    Fábrica de calzados Prestancia: ¿los negocios "perros" siempre se descontinúan?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Villajuana, Carlos
    The general manager of a shoe factory is advised by the marketing manager to discontinue a line with very little relative market share in a slow growth market and for which prices are below total unit production costs. Before making a decision, the general manager decides to retain a consultant to give him a broader view of the situation. The consultant provides new elements of judgment for the reader to ponder.