JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 8 Nº 14 (2003)

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    Cadenas productivas: una alternativa para afrontar la integración regional
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Pierce Diez Canseco, Leslie
    The dynamism of the trade integration process within Latin America opens up opportunities and risks for Peru. The great opportunity to access larger and more developed markets than ours also means the risk of greater competitive pressure in the domestic market, since products from other countries will enter Peru with the same advantages. In this context, production chains emerge as an alternative for collective efficiency, but their development requires certain conditions: elimination of cost overruns, coherent macroeconomic policies, identification of competitive advantages, and an environment that generates stability and trust.
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    Inversión extranjera directa crecimiento económico y spillovers en los países menos desarrollados miembros del APEC
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Cuadra, Gabriela; Florián, David
    The main objective of this research is to understand the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the growth of the less developed countries members of APEC, considering the transfer and diffusion of technology between the most developed countries and the least developed countries as the most important source. important of the overflow of knowledge. To this end, an endogenous growth model is developed - with two countries and three sectors - that allows us to understand the relationships behind FDI and its consequent effects. Then, the model is implemented by estimating one of the main equations with the Panel Data technique. It is found that, indeed, FDI causes a positive impact on the growth rate of less developed countries and that this impact depends, to a large extent, on the stock of human capital existing in the host country. This effect is significant since the nineties, a period during which structural reforms are implemented or accentuated in many of the countries included in the study.
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    Exportaciones del Perú y el APEC desde una perspectiva de la dotación de factores
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Ormeño, Arturo
    Because of the structural reforms of the first years of the nineties, Peru has managed to reverse the declining trend of exports observed during the second half of the eighties. In addition, in 1998 it has joined APEC, a fact that represents a set of possibilities for the development of the commercial exchange. This article seeks to identify what type of products have benefited from this process of reforms and which will depend, with greater intensity, on the development of current potentialities. Likewise, it is about establishing what productive factors explain these results. To do this, econometric estimations are made, based on a model of the extended Hecksher-Ohlin type, to a sample of APEC countries. The results indicate that although factors such as the stock of capital, the geographical area and the availability of land for cultivation and forestry activity are significant to explain the dynamics of exports, there are others in which the government can directly influence, such as the degree of openness and the educational level of the population.
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    Marketing de instituciones deportivas: de las relaciones públicas a la valoración de la imagen corporativa como activo intangible
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    This work seeks to contribute to the development of a better conceptualization of corporate image management applied to sports companies. The theoretical framework presents the evolution of the concepts associated with the image of the company since the emergence of public relations. Then the specific case of the management of large sports activities, which incorporates the modern developments of business management, strongly focused on the management of image and with a clear vocation to apply the theory of reputation; this, in order to ensure that the financial management of intangible assets materializes in a growing and consistent assessment of the "brand" of the sports company or the great international sports competition. Real experiences of successful companies in the field of sports are described.
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    Conceptual frameworks for firm strategy: an information systems perspective
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Andreu, Rafael; Jáuregui, Kety
    The concept of strategy and strategy formation can be analyzed from different perspectives. Mintzberg (1990) has identified ten basic schools of thought in relation to this topic. The strategy is conceived as a process of vision, design, planning or positioning; as a process of knowledge or learning, subject to political, cultural or environmental influences, or more properly as a process focused on transformation. Over the years, information systems have come to play an increasingly strategic role in business, capable of supporting the formulation and implementation of strategies and, particularly, the reformulation of strategies. This paper offers a review of the literature on the subject and relates the information systems with the ten mentioned schools of strategy, allowing the discussion of the usefulness of the different types of information systems.
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    La capacidad innovadora de las pymes peruanas en el universo del APEC
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Velasco, Dennis; López, Kristian
    Globalization, structural reforms and the processes of openness and integration have increased the competitive pressures that economic units must face, especially those of smaller relative size. Given that international experience shows that there is a close relationship between export capacity and the development of innovative activities in companies, it is relevant to investigate the degree of progress of innovative activities in SMEs, in order to assess their impact on competitiveness and in the consequent export capacity of these companies within the universe of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The objective of this work is to develop an Index of Innovative Capacity (ICI) that allows establishing the degree of the search for efficiency and new markets, elements that can determine the export potential and the level of profits of SMEs. In addition, the incidence of business development services on the level of profits and production is evaluated.
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    Lessons learned from the adoption of mobile internet services in Japan
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Yamakawa Tsuja, Peter; Matsumoto, Mitsuji
    The explosive growth of mobile Internet services in Japan has generated great interest in understanding the reason for success. Given that the diffusion ratios of these services differ according to the countries, some studies suggest that a series of requirements must be met, and others propose that culture is one of the main factors. In addition, it is important to mention that research work to develop a model that integrates the elements that intervene in the supply and demand of these services and help us understand the reason for their adoption are still scarce. To reduce this gap, the objective of this article is to propose an integral model from the point of view of the demand and supply of the elements that intervene in the adoption of these services. For its development, a set of theories is considered: dissemination of innovations, electronic commerce, and mobile commerce, use of information technologies, wireless value chain, and culture. In addition, this framework investigates the factors that affect the adoption of mobile Internet services in Japan. Specifically, the case of NTT DoCoMo and other telecommunications operators is considered. Finally, it suggests some lessons learned that may be useful for the researcher and entrepreneur involved in the mobile Internet branch.
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    Modelo de desarrollo de comercio electrónico b2c en los países menos desarrollados: el caso peruano
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Díaz, Antonio
    This research proposes a development model for e-commerce from business to consumer (B2C) in the least developed countries, based on electronic commerce in Peru. To find common characteristics that make it possible to define the model, semi-structured interviews are conducted with three sectors of professionals linked to the development of electronic commerce in Peru: those responsible for the definition of policies and standards on electronic commerce, Internet service providers (ISP), and the managers and directors of companies immersed in electronic commerce activities. It is proposed a priori that the model contemplates the situation of the national technological infrastructure, the diffusion of the means of payment, the situation of the physical distribution and the online purchase culture in Peru.
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    Impacto de la telefonía pública en la actividad rural: Proyecto Frontera Norte
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Gallo, Mario
    This study analyses and evaluates the results of public telephony services implementation efforts carried out by Osiptel in rural areas of extreme poverty. A specific project is chosen for this purpose, the Northern Border Project, whose completion three years ago allows accumulated information on its performance. Among the findings of the study is the increase in the use of public telephony, the predominance of incoming calls over outgoing calls, substantive differences in traffic volume only when revenue differences are important and business potential for operators. deprived of half a million dollars annually.