JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 11 Nº 20 (2006)

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    Desarrollo sostenible en turismo: una propuesta para Machu Picchu
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Regalado Pezúa, Otto; Arias Valencia, Jesús
    Raising awareness about the environmental risks faced by the Historical Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, providing tools for thinking that will contribute to addressing the Sanctuary’s problems,and finally, contributing to the debate by forwarding a proposal for the Sanctuary’s sustainable management are the purposes of this study. In the first section, statistics show Peru is basically a unipolar travel destination. The second section presents the complex problems identified at the Sanctuary. To conclude, the study presents a proposed solution, including setting up a structure tomanage the Sanctuary’s strategic planning while abiding by the key principles of sustainable development.
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    An empirical study of the relationships betwen corruption, capital leakages and country risk: part I
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Bouchet, Michel; Groslambert, Bertrand
    This paper investigates the relationship between corruption and capital flight in developing countries. Part I tackles the challenge of defining and measuring capital flight, as well as the various root causes of expatriated savings. Our research contributes to the corruption and capital market literature in several ways. First, the issue of capital flight has attracted less attention than that of external capital inflows in emerging market countries. In particular, capital flight has kept a low profile in academic circles until the late 1990s. In addition, research often looks at capital flight as a portfolio issue, and very few studies consider corruption as a «push factor». Second, our paper looks at why capital flight deserves renewed interest, as the globalization of financial markets broadens investment diversification opportunities for domestic residents. Increasingly, official agencies express concern regarding the recycling of generous development aid flows and heavy borrowing in the international capital markets outside the developing countries’ economies. In the aftermath of the G-7 1996 Cologne meeting, larger and broader debt relief, coupled with a strong emphasis on sustainable development policies, focuses on the urgency of capital flight repatriation. Third, we assume that corruption combines two kinds of centrifugal forces for capital leakages: corruption-driven money leaves a country because of fear of being caught by the tax and judiciary authorities; in addition, money leaves a country because of fear that a corrupt government will not provide a stable and conducive environment for safe savings and profitable investment. In Part II of our research, we test the assumption that the higher the level of corruption, the less conducive the national environment for private investment, and the greater the capital leakages.
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    FICASAC: Fideos en casa S.A.C.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo; Villanes, Liz
    Faced with the imminent entry of the industry leader into the market where Ficasac operates, themanagement of this company met to analyze and ultimately approve the convenience of expandingthe product line. However, during the meeting several alternatives were brought up regardingequipment financing. These alternatives must be assessed in light of two possible future scenarios:taking advantage or not of the tax benefits of the border law. The results of such assessment shallbe discussed the following day, for which it is necessary to prepare a report with recommendationson the matter.
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    Influencia de los corredores económicos en la producción de limón de exportación en la región Piura
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Soto Plasencia, Mercedes
    This paper uses the approaches and concepts of competitive and comparative advantage modelsand the principles of economic corridors, including production chains, clusters and conglomerates,to analyze the potential for improved lime production in Peru’s northern regions for export to Asia Pacific markets. The first section discusses the relevance of adopting a strategy based oneconomic corridors as an efficient alternative to combine scale of production and efficient logisticscosts, in particular for the Sullana-Tambogrande-San Lorenzo-Ayabaca and Chulucanas-Morropon-Huancabamba corridors. The second section adopts a systemic view of agro-industrial competitiveness to identify the barriers to and ex ante conditions that have a positive impact onlime production, namely adoption of technologies, growers’ associations, access to financing,adoption of mechanized planting and harvesting techniques, and others.
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    Impacto de las remesas de los peruanos residentes en Japón
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Vela Borda, Joel
    This study analyzes the significance of remittances from Peruvian residents in Japan to Peru to their families and the Peruvian economy at large, as well as the extent to which such financial assistance is contributing to the livelihood of numerous individuals and to improving their qualityof living. More generally, it addresses the financial impacts of these remittances, the costs involvedand how they have evolved over time. The study starts by briefly presenting present Japanese economy because although Japan has not experienced noteworthy economic growth in recentyears, it is still a world economic powerhouse. It then explains how after more than a century of Japanese migration to Peru, Peruvians of Japanese descent have started to return to the Land of the Rising Sun in search of better fortune.
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    Análisis integral de los flujos comerciales entre el Perú y China con miras a la firma de un acuerdo de alcance parcial
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Gallardo Torres, Carlos
    Trade and its role in economic development have been amongst Peru’s priorities since the country’s economic opening. Along this line, it is easy to understand Peru’s decision to start negotiations to establish trade preference agreements with its main trading partners. This research starts by presenting the scenario for potential trade negotiations between Peru and the People’s Republic of China. The analysis is based on a methodology integrating calculations of trade indicators and the design of tariff item classification and potential identification matrices. Our outcomes’ analysis allows identifying those goods that are actually taking advantage of present trade relations between Peru and China, and other goods that might take further advantage of more open markets once a trade agreement is reached between the two nations. In addition, our research allows preparing a ranking of product classifications taking account of those industries and products where Peru should focus during trade talks with China.
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    Perspectivas del Estado en el ejercicio de nuevas políticas públicas en el Perú: Una revisión panorámica de las políticas promotoras del crecimiento económico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Pisfil Capuñay, Miguel
    The purpose of this study is finding factual elements and systematizing theoretical guidelines which contribute to the understanding of the circumstantial relationship between the State –with its institutions– and civil society as well as shedding light on the total separation existing between these two groups in social and political contexts. Particularly we have tried to systematize the principal public policies which have a close relationship with economic growth identify which work efficiently or not in allocating public resources report on some Latin-American experiences on the successful implementation of public policies and outline new policies for our country which aim at promoting an articulated social approach for the structuring of a national strategy for productive development. Given its high impact in both social and economic fronts these new policies shall become pivots for the traditional policies (sectorial and social).
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    Obstáculos al desarrollo de las pequeñas medianas empresas en América Latina
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Zevallos V., Emilio
    This document reports progress made in compared research about the environment, barriers and prospects facing small and intermediate size companies in eight Latin American countries, although only six are presented in this paper, namely Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, El Salvador and Panama. The first section briefly presents each country’s business environment in terms of prevailing concepts, the overall business universe and its trouble spots. It also aims at establishing a general typology of companies. The second section reviews the study’s methodology while the third chapter deals with the elements for doing business in each country (this paper deals only with the financing, human resources and technology components). Finally, it presents some reflections about the condition of small and intermediate companies and some guidelines for public policy actions.
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    Cuidados veterinarios: ¿Atender aves vacunos o mascotas?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Wakabayashi, José Luis; Borda, Armando
    Company dedicated to the import and marketing of veterinary products, owes most of its growth to the exclusive representation of the Tasmil brand, a world leader in animal health products. While the products might be geared at the poultry, cattle, pig, and pet sectors, currently 80% of the company’s sales are concentrated in the poultry market, which is the most organized livestock market in Peru, with the highest growth potential. The company wishes to continue growing, but it has already reached the limit in its traditional product line. Moreover, it faces liquidity restrictions due to the decreased turnover of some product lines aimed at the livestock sector. Finally, there is always the risk of loosing the Tasmil representation, or even worse, that Tasmil is attracted by the poultry market and decides to operate directly in the country