JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 2 Nº 3 (1993)

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    Compañía de productos fritos "Bocaos" Ltda.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Angulo Olaya, Myriam
    Family business in the food industry managed by five of nine siblings is experiencing declining sales and rising costs. A board of partners must set new directions and policies for the future. The case begins by describing the origin of the problem and then makes a historical account of the development of the company during its 24 years of existence. It exposes the factors and situations that generated its current structure, both internal and its environment. The objective is to awaken in business administration students, particularly in marketing, an analytical and research capacity that will allow them to broaden and deepen their knowledge of topics such as the decision-making process in marketing, new procedures or innovation of existing ones with respect to the management of the elements of the marketing mix, design of strategic plans and marketing programs that guarantee the permanence of an organization. Finally, the case shows the economic, social and political aspects of the environment in which the company operates.
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    Distribuidores Textiles S.A. (DITEXSA)
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Valdés Palacio, Armando
    This case study presents the situation of a clothing company with many years of operation that is affected when the entry into the market of department stores, or large retailers, causes changes in the distribution system of its products. The discussion should focus on four objectives: first, to get the participants in the discussion to analyze the physical distribution situation before the intervention of large retailers, and to explain how their appearance in the market affects the industrial or commercial company and two main distributors of a product line; second, to get the participants to assume the roles of company executives and reach a joint decision on how to relate to the elements of the distribution chain without affecting the cordial relations with their long-standing customers; third, to motivate participants to become aware of the importance for the company of changes in its environment, in this case, in physical distribution, distribution channels and the relationships between producers, the distribution chain and end customers; finally, to evaluate the aspects to be considered in the design of distribution channels and to study the advisability of making changes in channel participation and in the use of multiple or dual channels.
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    Concesión de créditos
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Cárdenas B., Jorge
    The objective of this study is to present a generic methodology to contribute to the improvement of the procedures for deciding to grant credit, and at the same time, to guide potential clients and promote a healthy and intelligible dialogue between the parties. In this way, the four famous criteria are evaluated: i) character, which refers to the customer's willingness to pay; ii) capacity, which has to do with the customer's experience in generate funds and the possibility of continuing to generate them; iii) capital, which consists of the degree of leverage; and iv) conditions, which is the collateral or guarantee offered by the subject or company requesting the credit, as well as the date of payment. Finally, the author concludes that choosing the subject of credit is a difficult task, since the financial capacity is not enough to decide the granting of credit, but takes into account the above criteria, which to the layman may seem a subtlety.
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    Caribbean Veneer Company
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Bornás Huerta, Rafael V.
    Case study of a small company founded in 1987 by «amateur" entrepreneurs who entrusted their management to operational executives used to «command done» without considering the importance of a plan and without basic technical information. The objective is to apply operational research to a production process of a company seeking to establish a level of input-process-product combination that maximizes the company's income or profit and /or minimizes its operating costs. Simple and easily interpreted mathematical models are used. The case claims the importance of guiding the production manager towards basic analytical information that allows him to identify the current state of the company and its resources in order to make technically feasible and economically profitable decisions. It shows that the application of the operational investigation does not imply the modification of the installed capacity of the company; on the contrary, their solutions correct the greater or lesser use of that capacity, bringing the input-output relationship closer to the maximum usable, which implies greater profits.
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    Calidad versus productividad: ¿qué es lo primero?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Vargas, Gustavo A.
    This document refers to some key factors as competitive, technological and organizational which may affect management decisions involved in determining the sequence of quality or productivity. The objective is to try to close the "implementation gap" by studying successful experiences (taken from real life) of companies that faced and over sacked this challenge, and by characterizing the internal and external circumstances to the companies that determined the order of priority of the implementation. The analysis has both logical and empirical bases, detailed in the cases described. Finally, the choice will depend between the challenges a company faces, the resources , and the time context in which it has actions. In conclusion, it is possible to define the profile of companies and their internal/external environments that allow to define the order of priority between productivity and quality, for this there are several implementation guidelines: the set of product-market characteristics such as the product lifecycle and the degree of product diversity and market growth rate, cost leadership and immediate access of the product.
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    “Las niñas también juegan con carritos” la mujer en la gerencia: el caso del Perú
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Adaniya, Ana Rosa; Pérez-Costa, Rosa P. de
    The purpose of this research is to determine whether there are differences between managers’ perceptions about the characteristics of a successful manager. It is based on Schein’s studies of gender role stereotypes and the characteristics required to be considered a successful manager. The hypotheses, one for men and one for women, are that managers will perceive that successful ones have attitudes, characteristics and temperaments that are more commonly attributed to men in general than to women in general. The slightly modified Schein Descriptive Index questionnaire to a sample of 268 managers working in Lima. Interclass correlation coefficients (r’) were calculated from two random group analysis of variance of the 92 descriptive items. In conclusion, it is found that while the hypothesis in confirmed in male managers, the same is not true in female managers, who perceive thar both men and women have characteristics of successful managers. Another finding is that age and years of experience moderate the perceptions of women, while the level of education moderates those of men.
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    Estructura de propiedad de las firmas y grupos económicos: el caso chileno
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Paredes M., Ricardo; Flor R., Lincoln
    It analyzes the ownership structure of Chilean firms and the effect that conglomerates or economic groups produce on this structure. The central hypothesis is that the ownership structure of firms owned or controlled by economic groups is not significantly different from the ownership structure of any other firm. The variables analyzed were ownership structure, optimal size of the firm, potential control, regulation, economic group and tradability of the good or productive sector. The most relevant finding is the evidence that the ownership structure of the firms belonging to economic groups is significantly different (more concentrated) from that of the rest of the firms in the sample, which would indicate that the firms belonging to groups do not maximize benefits individually, but as a whole.