JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 3 Nº 5 (1995)

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    La praxis legal y ética de la publicidad en el Perú
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Bardales, Gabriela; Reinoso, Raquel
    Describes and analyzes the evolution of advertising regulation in Peru between 1974 and 1994. It also examines the role of the agencies in charge of enforcing the laws related to the practice of this activity and the self-regulatory efforts made. It is concluded that the excess of nationalism reflected in the 1974 norm has been reduced twenty years later to approach the prevailing international standards in this area; also that the current advertising regulation allows the participation of citizens in defense of their rights through the supervisory body and that advertising regulation is, in general terms, less restrictive than that of other countries. It is found that the degree of control exercised over advertising is a function of a series of cultural factors and gives rise to two opposing positions: the first holds that advertising legislation is necessary for consumer protection, the other argues that self-regulation of the advertising media is sufficient and that the laws only restrict freedom of opinion.
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    Maxión S.A.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Fossati Figueiredo, Kleber; Barcellos, Fernando
    Maxion S.A. is a company that has been operating in Brazil since 1962, specialized in the production of agricultural machinery and engines, products in which it has a market share of 40% and 25% respectively. It is in the group of well-positioned manufacturers, with its turnover of 40% in the foreign market in 1989. However, the increase in agricultural productivity led to a reduction in the demand for agricultural machinery. Following this unfavorable scenario, the company made the strategic decision to transform its production process into a competitive factor through the implementation of the Just-in-Time (JIT) system. The present case starts with the background of the JIT system, then the procedures adopted by the company are described, from the training on the meaning of the system to the development of suppliers. Finally, the results before and after the first stage of implementation are given along with quantitative indicators and qualitative considerations regarding the evaluation of the experience.
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    Calcadista S.A.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Graeff, Clóvis
    The board of directors of a family-owned company that concentrates 35% of the market for the production and distribution of sports and orthopedic footwear for children and young people, thanks to its quality and technology, must decide on an investment proposal aimed at replacing obsolete files, taking into account the profitability of the investment, not its size. Following its policies and considering that the amount of the investment exceeds 5% of its net worth, the company hires an external consulting firm to make the final decision of the board of directors possible by preparing the analytical approach to the investment. This case aims to convey an overview of the activities involved in the evaluation of a specific investment project. The focus is on the importance of sufficient theoretical foundation to solve other problems, which makes it possible to understand that the performance of a company can be intimately linked to an adequate evaluation of its investment projects. This, in turn, implies the importance of the quantitative aspect of the financial analytical process.
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    Regalo de navidad
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Fischer, Konrad
    The case presents a qualitative situation that has been developed following the methodology of the classics of economics, i.e., philosophical, from which logic, which laid the foundations of the knowledge of economics, derives. The case analyzes a warehouse company’s general situation that operates with apparent effectiveness in the Peruvian market. First, it relates the author’s personal experience who, together with his partner, proposes the generational change in the company between his son and himself, with expectations of an improvement in the management of the company in the face of the imminent and rapid technological innovation. Likewise, the company's problems are exposed because of the death of one of the partners, the constant innovation in the market, and the changes in the chain of command. Faced with this situation, the discussion may focus on the approach to future decisions in the company.
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    Medio ambiente y desarrollo: ¿un puente demasiado lejos?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Solano, David
    It tries to provide a global vision of how the environmental issue is being handled by the government and businessmen of Peru, as well as to warn about the consequences that the current trend can bring for the development of the country. It maintains that, although the Environmental Code was promulgated, its scope was moderated shortly afterwards through other legal instruments aimed at promoting investment. In the same way, it is affirmed that the creation of a rector, the National Environment Council, will not be a guarantee for the solution of environmental problems either. On the other hand, the very little importance that Peruvian managers give to the preservation of the environment in comparison with those of other countries stands out. Finally, it is affirmed that in order to care the natural heritage, it is necessary to become aware of the complementarity between development and the environment, and that, in the face of this situation, the State is obliged to promote clean technologies that ensure the exploitation of the country's assets and, at the same time, help to preserve them, so that future generations can take advantage of them.
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    Evolución y proyectos de la economía peruana
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Roca, Santiago; Simabuko, Luis
    This article analyzes the Peruvian economy’s evolution during 1994 and its prospects for the next two years. Concerning 1994, according to the main economic indicators, we find that the country grew for the second consecutive year and reduced its inflation level. This result was influenced by two factors: the increase of domestic interest rate in foreign currency’s and the considerable income from privatization. As for the projections for 1995-1996, it was found that inflation (7-8% annual growth) and economic growth (7% annual growth) would be manageable as long as the assumptions about public expenditure, privatization revenues, and capital flows during the period were met. However, these same elements threaten the exchange rate, a central problem for the medium-term economic program’s viability. Also of concern is the dependence on foreign savings and the low level of domestic savings. We conclude by pointing out that in the future it will be necessary to promote economic investment that generates employment and not only financial investment, as well as to significantly reduce the external debt.
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    Grupos estratégicos en el sector periodístico: panorama en la ciudad de Lima
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Antonio, Javier; Cornejo, Ricardo; Reinoso, Raquel; Soto, Fanny; Uribe, Sara
    Describes and interprets the behavior of the national journalistic sector from the strategic groups that compete in this industry. For this, the market was segmented based on two variables: type of reader and the way of presenting the information, and a matrix of strategic groups was elaborated, according to three other variables: technology, operating leverage and specialization, to identify generic strategies developed by companies in this sector. A high correlation was found between type of information and type of reader (formal-style newspapers are aimed at traditional readers, while informal ones are aimed at "chicha" readers); having its own press as the highest mobility barrier, since this represents a significant investment for any reader company; vulnerability of all groups to substitute products; high rivalry between newspapers for some of them sharing their target markets; and leverage as the strategy of most newspapers that reach a high level of sales.
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    A propósito de la privatización de Petroperú: negocios independientes o integración vertical
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Roca, Santiago
    It analyzes the various sales modalities raised in view of the privatization of the state oil company, Petroperú, mainly the modality of subdivision into independent businesses proposed by the Special Committee for the Promotion of Private Investment (Cepri) of this company. It finds that, apparently, the oil industry needs to operate vertically integrated; however, this possibility must be determined based on the market, the interlinking between the parties and the objectives to be achieved for the benefit of the country. On the other hand, the plan presented by Cepri combines transfer of ownership, strategic alliances with oil operators, concession and license mechanisms, but it would also establish the obligatory of a series of long-term contracts and regulatory mechanisms that would replace the internal transactions of an integrated system. Other options that could generate positive results are also analyzed, provided the necessary regulations are in place. Finally, it points out that in order to decide the best form of privatization, not only the costs, risks and business potential of each option must be evaluated, but also the political consequences and the benefits that the State would obtain from each one of them.