Urban turism perception and recommendation in Mexico City and Lima


Mexico City and Lima both have great cultural and historical value as they developed close to major pre-Columbian civilizations. When comparing their urban attractiveness factors, they present differences and similarities that need to be understood at a theoretical level. The study has practical implications as tourism officials and managers in each of these two cities can draw inspiration from the best practices of the other city. The method is quantitative, and the exploratory factorial analysis technique was used to reduce the variables in a group of factors. The results indicate that the different aspects of the cities’ tourism attractiveness can be categorized into four factors: the nucleus, the tourist ecosystem, MICE & shows, and related services. A comparison of the two cities’ Kruskal–Wallis test scores shows significant differences in terms of three variables: monuments and historic sites, museums and art galleries, and shops and commercial services.



Destination marketing, Tourism attractiveness, Marketing de destinos, Urban tourism, Atractivo turístico, Urban studies, Turismo urbano, Estudios urbanos, City branding, City branding


Regalado-Pezúa, O., Sirkis, G., Carvache-Franco, O., Carvache-Franco, M., & Carvache-Franco, W. (2022). Urban turism perception and recommendation in Mexico City and Lima. Land, 11(11), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/land11112021



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