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    Tendencias y asuntos económicos asiáticos emergentes
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Yamazawa, Ippei
    Despite the continued high growth of the economies of East and Southeast Asian countries, referred to as the "East Asian miracle", the growth of these economies slowed down in 1996 compared to the previous two years. In view of this, it is suggested that high growth in the region will return in the medium or long term if five conditions are met: (i) structural changes in Asian production and trade, which will generate high productivity growth; (ii) economic opening policies, which include not only greater access to technology and foreign capital, but also increased competitiveness and efficiency; (iii) joint liberalization efforts, which will contribute to the rapid industrialization of the countries in the region by providing capital, technology and export markets; (iv) stabilization of the monetary system, so that exchange rates adjust flexibly and a stable flow of funds is maintained; and (v) resolution of environmental pollution and unstable and insufficient energy and food supplies, which create bottlenecks and impede continued high growth.
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    Competitividad sostenible de la pequeña empresa: un modelo de promoción de capacidades endógenas para promover ventajas competitivas sostenibles y alta productividad
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-06-30) Vargas, Braulio; Del Castillo, Carlos
    In the past three decades, the competitiveness and productivity of the small enterprise have been favored by the government, business action and technical cooperation, which have made signifi cant contributions regarding promotion, development and provision of technical assistance. In the developing economies of the Asia Pacifi c region, these efforts are explained by the fact that the small enterprise contributes without question, to job generation, local economic dynamics, collective effi ciency of business network, and economic growth. In the economies of the region, most contributions have been channeled through public policies with a focus on capacity building. Nevertheless, according to preliminary studies in the main business clusters in Peru, the government’s promotion actions have not had a steady effect in competitiveness and productivity. Evidence suggests that business development services have a limited effect as they depend solely on external interventions. In contrast, successful entrepreneurship relies more on endogenous capacities. This article introduces a framework of promotion of the productivity and sustained competitiveness in the small enterprise, laying stress on endogenous capacities and an effi cient arrangement of external interventions.
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    El transporte internacional como factor de competitividad en el comercio exterior
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-12-30) Zamora Torres, América Ivonne; Pedraza Rendón, Oscar H.
    Currently most of international shipments need to use more than one type of transportation from its point of origin to final destination. Each one of the types of global transport has played an essential role in facilitating geographic diversification. In this paper we evaluate, through Principal Component Analysis methodology, the international transport competitiveness considering the most important variables that affect this sector and the economic performance of these variables on transportation, analyzing the structure of the international transport system of twenty-nine countries, including seven Latin American countries. The results shown in the competitiveness index of international transportation indicate that the most competitive countries in this field are: USA, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Sweden, Spain, Japan, Belgium, Denmark and Canada. Highlighting that, the countries of Latin America with the highest scores in this category are Brazil, followed by Panama, Chile and Costa Rica.
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    El Indice de la Ventaja Comparativa Revelada (VCR) entre el Perú y los principales exportadores del mundo: el caso de la Región Lambayeque
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2009-06-30) Heredia Pérez, Jorge; Huarachi Chávez, Jorge
    This paper presents and applies a conceptual framework to regional Competitiveness using the Index of revealed competitiveness introduced by Balassa in 1965 for the Lambayeque Region in the northern part of Peru with the end to determine the products more competitive of this region. In the first part of the article the competitiveness review is presented from the Porter approach to Systemic Competitiveness. The advantage of this method is to identify the competitiveness of the regional products and services as a function of the import and export values of the country in contrast with the same values of the other countries in the world. The FAOSTAT data is used for that purpose. The results shown that the crop most competitive are the avocados, the bananas, mangoes, asparagus, dry chilies and coffee. Nevertheless when these products are compare with others countries such as Chile and Brazil only mangoes and asparagus are strongly competitive. However both products are considered commodities rather than value added products and its competitiveness lies in comparative advantage such as clime and soil.
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    Fortalecer la competitividad internacional y dimensiones sociales del desarrollo: correlaciones y contradicciones
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-12-30) Messner, Dirk
    Globalization requires countries to strengthen and open their economies if they seek to connect successfully to the world economy, but what happens to the social dimension when countries try to achieve competitiveness? This article analyzes the articulations, disarticulations, and interactions that occur between competitiveness, the fight against poverty and social development. First, it explains how the relationships established between these three elements depend on the level of development achieved and, consequently, differ in the different regions. Next, the links and interdependencies between policies aimed at strengthening competitiveness and policies aimed at achieving social development are examined. Then, the concepts and previous approaches are illustrated with examples taken from the Latin American reality. The author ends up proposing four types of social policies, defined by the objectives or functions they fulfill.
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    La capacidad innovadora de las pymes peruanas en el universo del APEC
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Velasco, Dennis; López, Kristian
    Globalization, structural reforms and the processes of openness and integration have increased the competitive pressures that economic units must face, especially those of smaller relative size. Given that international experience shows that there is a close relationship between export capacity and the development of innovative activities in companies, it is relevant to investigate the degree of progress of innovative activities in SMEs, in order to assess their impact on competitiveness and in the consequent export capacity of these companies within the universe of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The objective of this work is to develop an Index of Innovative Capacity (ICI) that allows establishing the degree of the search for efficiency and new markets, elements that can determine the export potential and the level of profits of SMEs. In addition, the incidence of business development services on the level of profits and production is evaluated.
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    Regulación del medio ambiente y competitividad
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1999-12-30) Panayotou, Theodore; Vincent, Jeffrey R.
    Environmental regulations can affect productivity in various ways: diverting inputs to the so-called non-productive uses or originating less efficient production processes. Adequate environmental regulations should generate benefits that exceed their costs although not all benefits can be translated into the increase of the product.
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    Políticas de fomento a la competitividad de la pequeña empresa
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Vargas, Braulio
    In 2003 the Peruvian government launched a second wave of decentralization and devolution initiatives to the sub-national governments. The move aimed at fostering development, economic growth and job creation with a strong focus on small companies. However, evidence shows these efforts failed because properly planned policies linked to development objectives were lacking. A reference framework is proposed to design local policies that will add economic momentum, relate the local business network to external systems, and create wellbeing by fostering small business competitiveness. To help identify several types of development measures, the paper proposes to take account of the relation between the business activity and its territory, the key factors of success of innovative companies, and the business’s life cycle as related to the potential for innovation and growth.
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    Retos actuales de las empresas japonesas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1999-12-30) Umezu, Hiroyoshi
    Information technologies and telecommunications are advancing at high speed consequently the companies that maintain valuable information today will be the winners in this competitive global market. Japanese companies mainly banks financial institutions and high-tech industries need to improve their ability to acquire valuable information in order to compete in the global market.