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    Medio ambiente y desarrollo: ¿un puente demasiado lejos?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-06-30) Solano, David
    It tries to provide a global vision of how the environmental issue is being handled by the government and businessmen of Peru, as well as to warn about the consequences that the current trend can bring for the development of the country. It maintains that, although the Environmental Code was promulgated, its scope was moderated shortly afterwards through other legal instruments aimed at promoting investment. In the same way, it is affirmed that the creation of a rector, the National Environment Council, will not be a guarantee for the solution of environmental problems either. On the other hand, the very little importance that Peruvian managers give to the preservation of the environment in comparison with those of other countries stands out. Finally, it is affirmed that in order to care the natural heritage, it is necessary to become aware of the complementarity between development and the environment, and that, in the face of this situation, the State is obliged to promote clean technologies that ensure the exploitation of the country's assets and, at the same time, help to preserve them, so that future generations can take advantage of them.
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    Incidente de negocios: distribuidor conquistado, venta realizada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Solano, David
    This business incident, which lends itself to an eminently qualitative analysis, seeks to illustrate how the marketing mix of a company should be structured, taking into account not only the product to be launched on the market, but also the client portfolio with which account the company. Another aspect to analyze is the decision-making style and its influence on marketing decisions. It is recommended that the solution culminate with the marketing mix proposal that the company must implement and the planning of the actions that must be carried out for this, both inside and outside the company. The analysis of the situation should be taken into account.
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    Responsabilidad social corporativa: qué se hace y qué debe hacerse
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Solano, David
    Corporate Social Responsibility has caught the attention of the business community worldwide because consumer and capital markets now champion or punish a company for its relationship with its environment. But this approach is still new and has several defects: it’s reactive, excessively focused on mass media, it’s not specialized, it confuses Public Relations with Social Responsibility, etc. This shows not only little knowledge of the basic concepts but also of the main reason underlying any Social Responsibility process: a sustainable improvement in the relationship with the population as a foundation for sustainable development. In order to achieve this it is necessary to have clear objectives, an clear definition of the target audience, and well designed action plans. Only then will we be able to assess the success or failure of our intervention.
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    Coppermine: riesgos de la no concentración
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Jáuregui, Kety; Centeno, Adolfo; Solano, David
    Major greenfield mining projects are usually surrounded by conflict between the mining company and neighboring communities caused as much by the operator’s mistakes as by anti-mining coalitions and other organized groups rallied around sustainable development issues. For four years while preparation work was underway the mining company put into practice several strategies aimed at addressing claims, including participatory workshops all the way to hiring anexpatriate professional expert charged with addressing environmental issues. A few months before the beginning of mine operations however tension peaked. A multi-sector technical commission was set up including government, residents and company representatives. The technical committee has already issued its report on the issue, including recommendations to keep a watchful eye on the company’s operations. In view of such developments, Coppermine must reframe its policies and strategies.
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    Pulpochoque: un caso de responsabilidad empresarial
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-12-30) Solano, David
    As in many other localities within Peru, Pulpochoque received investments that did not generate population development, as said investment were economic-oriented and did not take into account the needs of people. The gap between the interests of both actors (the company vs. the people), deepened by personal feelings, created an attitude of rejection towards Chochomin mining company (Chinese capitals) and its staff. Julio Concha, the company’s new head of community relations, has to face this hard situation and restart activities that were paralyzed by the population. This case is based on real facts and shows that personal attitudes and approach can often be keys to open or chains to close the doors of social consensus activities.
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    Método de las relaciones casuales para la planificación del desarrollo sostenible: aplicación en Pulpochoque
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-12-30) Solano, David
    The barrires to a society´s sustainable development are typically the result of many problem-cause interactions, which may be of an economic, socio-cultural, technological or political nature. In order to fi nd proper solutions, it is important to differentiate between problem-cause and problemresult relations; only with this method will it be possible to ensure sustainability. The Cause Relation Method is a tool that identifi es causes and consequences starting with the relations between problems. This method may be used to generate participatory decisions that foster the integrated action of a community to address the constraints to its development.
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    Desarrollo, sostenibilidad y capacidades: una trilogía indesligable
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-12-30) Solano, David
    The difference between economic growth and development has been debated for long. Classical economists hold that the most important challenge for a country was to create wealth. However, as time goes by, other important and complementary concepts have arisen such as development, sustainable development and social capital, stressing out the need for creating human, institutional and natural capacities to generate lasting well-being. Capacities do not come besides investment; we need to create them. However, some examples show that many public and private decision-makers in Peru do not take into account such need; they prioritize economic capacities and neglect social, environmental and institutional ones. Development is not be possible without capacity building, and once the proper capacities are built may sustainable development be created.