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    Análisis jurisprudencial de la mano invisible de Adam Smith en la economía social de mercado peruana
    (Universidad ESAN, 2022-12-19) Ahomed Chávez, Omar Abraham
    The present scientific work seeks to analyze through cases law the scope of the invisible hand within the social market economy. The specific topic of the investigation is about the balance that could exist between state intervention and free enterprise. To do this, we will develop as a theoretical framework on free trade and state interventionism and the principle of proportionality; in the conceptual framework, we will address the invisible hand and the Peruvian constitutional norms that regulate state intervention in the market economy. Then we will study the cases law of the Constitutional Court of Peru where there was a conflict between state planning and market freedom and the invisible hand of Adam Smith.
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    Análisis jurisprudencial de la economía del bienestar en la constitución económica material peruana
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-06-27) Ahomed Chávez, Omar Abraham
    This work researches the welfare economics in the Peruvian material economic constitution through the precedents of the Constitutional Court of Peru. It has as objective to identify the principles and theories that the Constitutional Court uses to resolve conflicts between economic groups. The research will differentiate between material economic constitution and formal economic constitution within of the Peruvian social market economy.