Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science

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    Oportunidades agroindustriales en la Cuenca del Pacífico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Bailey, William C.; Norina, Lidia V.
    Compares the possibilities of New Zealand and Peru in export agriculture and agribusiness, in which both countries have great potential. He considers that, to remain competitive internationally, both countries must stop exporting raw materials and replace them with products with higher added value. It analyzes the situation and the expected evolution of four New Zealand export products: meat, milk and derivatives, venison and kiwi, and argues that the central aspect to take advantage of the challenges and opportunities in agribusiness is to never forget the importance of the consumer and the consumption patterns, as the importance given to products sensitive to the environment is growing. As possible strategies, mention is made of taking advantage of the comparative advantages offered by nature, developing products specifically destined for the export market, protecting natural resources while maintaining the international competitiveness of agribusiness.
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    Atractivo del financiamiento a las pequeñas microempresas para la banca comercial privada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Copa, Tula; González de Otoya, Gustavo; Linares, César
    In Latin America, small and micro enterprises (SMEs) are considered a tool for combating poverty due to their high capacity to generate employment, in addition to being a significant source of GDP. This article seeks to demonstrate that SMEs, as a subject of credit, can be an attractive option for private commercial banks in Peru. For this purpose, two factors are examined: the Chilean experience of some years ago, since Peru presents the same conditions that made this possible in the neighboring country, and the analysis of the variables that affect the development of SME financing. It is shown that in 1992 the sector of financing to these companies shows great attractions for the financial sector, since there is an insufficient credit offer, the banking entities authorized to provide financing to SMEs are very few, the banks are increasing their money deposits. But at the same time there are risks, such as the arrival of large foreign banks in the market, the emergence of other credit institutions (edpymes) and a high risk of non-repayment of loans.
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    Interconexión entre redes organizacionales, alianzas estratégicas y negociaciones: un estudio multicaso
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-06-30) Louffat Olivares, Enrique
    The present article intends to carry out an analysis centred on the design and organizational dynamics of the relations of interdependence between two or more organizations. With this intention two dimensions of analysis are established: the conditioning factors, constituted by the elements: strategy, environment, technology and culture, and the components constituted by the elements: departmentalization, line activities/advisory, description of activities, hierarchical chain, level of centralization /decentralization, administrative scope, communication and decision-making capacity. Then, to have a current vision of the application of this analysis in the organizational practice, exploratory research of qualitative type is carried out in three corporate groups with profiles of networks/alliances of the horizontal and vertical type. The results lead to a positive trend in the acceptance and application of this new network proposal, which implies a profound evolution of the design characteristics and organizational dynamics.
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    Sistemas de salud y subsidios a los pobres: un modelo de financiamiento de salud para el Perú
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-06-30) Vera, José Carlos
    This research develops a financing model for public health services that establishes the health expenditure per person that the State would have to pay according to the package of services it wishes to offer and the population it decides to subsidize. With this objective, it proposes a health insurance system for the entire population, in which the State contributes all or part of the value of the corresponding premiums to the population with the fewest resources, thus replacing the subsidy to the offer —which it currently provides— by the subsidy to the demand, which means freedom of choice of the user as regards both the insurance entity and the service provider. The actuarial financial analysis is used for the necessary calculations, which is based on an analysis of the health situation and the transactions of services in the market in terms of their financial consequences. One of its main findings is to confirm that the problem of health in Peru is not the lack of resources, but the way in which the health sector and the subsidy system have been structured.
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    Café de especialidad: alternativa para el sector cafetalero peruano
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Castro, Pilar; Contreras, Yabed; Laca, Delia; Nakamatsu, Keiko
    Although coffee is in general a commodity, in recent years a profitable market niche has been identified: that of specialty coffee. To access this market, coffee must be of the highest quality, be produced in specific geographical microclimates, have a flavour and be extracted following rigorously established standards. Peru has comparative advantages to obtain specialty coffee because it has one of the best botanical coffee varieties, adequate climatic and geographical conditions and water availability in tropical highlands. However, in order to achieve competitiveness, it is necessary to overcome limitations in terms of resources, technology, organization and management, as well as to formulate long-term strategies in which the interests of the entire productive chain are considered, from farmers to exporters, in a "win-win" relationship based on deep knowledge of the current reality of the sector and the international market.
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    CIA. Molinera La Encantada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Mendiola, Alfredo; Villanes, Liz
    The present case raises the general situation of a hypothetical company well positioned in the market and that apparently operates efficiently. The focus is on the short-term financial management policy that, at first glance, does not seem to present major drawbacks. However, in-depth analysis can lead to different conclusions.
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    Coppermine: riesgos de la no concentración
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Jáuregui, Kety; Centeno, Adolfo; Solano, David
    Major greenfield mining projects are usually surrounded by conflict between the mining company and neighboring communities caused as much by the operator’s mistakes as by anti-mining coalitions and other organized groups rallied around sustainable development issues. For four years while preparation work was underway the mining company put into practice several strategies aimed at addressing claims, including participatory workshops all the way to hiring anexpatriate professional expert charged with addressing environmental issues. A few months before the beginning of mine operations however tension peaked. A multi-sector technical commission was set up including government, residents and company representatives. The technical committee has already issued its report on the issue, including recommendations to keep a watchful eye on the company’s operations. In view of such developments, Coppermine must reframe its policies and strategies.
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    Oro de los Andes
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Morán, María Rosa
    This case study poses the problem of a mining company and their activities in the Ancash Department. Despite the vast quantity of natural and cultural resources in the region, the communities are not developed, lacking government services and access routes. In this context,the company decides to enact a program that would increase tourist activity, with the intention of generating more wealth in the region, and as a means to develop competitive advantages and a sustainable source of income and employment for the community.
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    Una misión educativa
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Brown, Ofelia
    This case study describes an initiative by a computer engineer to develop an innovative teaching method. The company providing financial support has as their sole motivation the altruistic purpose of improving education in Peru. After enacting the program, the people involved decided to forma non-profit association in order to collect donations and assure the resources that will allow the project’s expansion. The story unfolds in the city of Lima, Peru, in May of 2005.
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    La cultura negociadora en el Perú: un estudio exploratorio
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-12-30) Ogliastri, Enrique; Salcedo, Gimmy
    This is a qualitative study about how to conduct business in Peru. It is based on 47 semi-structured questionnaires on pointed negotiation experiences in which a Peruvian side was involved. The information was classified into 23 items about the customs, tactics, concepts, expectations, beliefs and values that occur in conflict and negotiation processes in Peru. Here was found a culture very similar to that widespread in Latin America: the dominance of haggling as a negotiating process, based on an unreasonable request at the beginning that is to be adjusted slowly. Cordial relations are preferred in an informal atmosphere; it is customary to not do much preparation for the negotiation and recourse to cunning and power more often than to objective technical criteria. In this culture emotions are expressed, and uncertainties have generated a great deal of flexibility in negotiations. The results must be validated by further analysis. This study is part of an extensive research on intercultural negotiation.