Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science

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    ¡Qué buena leche!
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    This case study deals with the strategy designed by a company to introduce a mass consumer product to the market. It describes all the steps followed in reality to apply the decisional marketing tools. To do this, it shows the contrast between the classic sales approach followed by the company that "rests on its laurels" and that of an aggressive, dynamic company with a clear strategic marketing focus. He recommends also discussing the use of market opportunities that are sometimes so obvious that they are not "seen", and the importance of using market information to optimize decisions.
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    Mercadeo informal estrategia de pequeña empresa: la necesidad obliga
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    It presents the case of a textile entrepreneur facing a difficult situation due to the oversizing of his business and the neglect of marketing variables, at a time when inflation levels are high and a sharp recession process is beginning. Forced by necessity, he has to close two of his four stores, liquidate his garment factory and return to informality. After taking a marketing management course at a prestigious institution, he sets about the task of preparing his strategic planning. The case is a good opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the strategic planning process: the mission; the situational analysis, risks and opportunities of the general environment of the country and the competitive environment (strengths and weaknesses); and finally the objectives and strategies, all within a framework of free importation in a market economy context.
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    Pequeña empresa: papel de nuevo gerente de marketing Escobita Nueva
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Fischer, Konrad; Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    It presents the case of a family-owned garment company whose development has responded more to the founder's desire to provide his family with a sufficiently comfortable living than to the entrepreneurial vision that would have allowed it to respond to market signals, which has led the company to lose ground to the competition. The organization of production is described; the market strategy: product, price, distribution and sales, promotion and advertising; the characteristics of the market and the competition; and the financial situation. When the founder's son takes over the business, he evaluates this situation and considers different alternatives for action: specializing in a new product line; maintaining the same product line, but with new designs; entering other markets; changing its pricing policy; its distribution and sales system, as well as promotion and advertising. The discussion of the case can be oriented towards the analysis of these options.
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    Movida de piso
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    Cometa Ltd., a small company of distribution of products for welding located in Huancayo, manages to position itself advantageously in the market for some years selling mainly to mining centers, while its competitors limited their operations to the city of Huancayo. The best-selling product is the electrode from the Trikón factory, which no other company distributes in the center of the country. The problems begin when the owners of Cometa find out that their main competitor in Huancayo, which years ago had stopped selling Trikon products due to a serious conflict with this manufacturer, will distribute this product again.
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    Marketing de instituciones deportivas: de las relaciones públicas a la valoración de la imagen corporativa como activo intangible
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    This work seeks to contribute to the development of a better conceptualization of corporate image management applied to sports companies. The theoretical framework presents the evolution of the concepts associated with the image of the company since the emergence of public relations. Then the specific case of the management of large sports activities, which incorporates the modern developments of business management, strongly focused on the management of image and with a clear vocation to apply the theory of reputation; this, in order to ensure that the financial management of intangible assets materializes in a growing and consistent assessment of the "brand" of the sports company or the great international sports competition. Real experiences of successful companies in the field of sports are described.