JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 9 Nº 17 (2004)

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    Café de especialidad: alternativa para el sector cafetalero peruano
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Castro, Pilar; Contreras, Yabed; Laca, Delia; Nakamatsu, Keiko
    Although coffee is in general a commodity, in recent years a profitable market niche has been identified: that of specialty coffee. To access this market, coffee must be of the highest quality, be produced in specific geographical microclimates, have a flavour and be extracted following rigorously established standards. Peru has comparative advantages to obtain specialty coffee because it has one of the best botanical coffee varieties, adequate climatic and geographical conditions and water availability in tropical highlands. However, in order to achieve competitiveness, it is necessary to overcome limitations in terms of resources, technology, organization and management, as well as to formulate long-term strategies in which the interests of the entire productive chain are considered, from farmers to exporters, in a "win-win" relationship based on deep knowledge of the current reality of the sector and the international market.
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    CIA. Molinera La Encantada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Mendiola, Alfredo; Villanes, Liz
    The present case raises the general situation of a hypothetical company well positioned in the market and that apparently operates efficiently. The focus is on the short-term financial management policy that, at first glance, does not seem to present major drawbacks. However, in-depth analysis can lead to different conclusions.
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    Movida de piso
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    Cometa Ltd., a small company of distribution of products for welding located in Huancayo, manages to position itself advantageously in the market for some years selling mainly to mining centers, while its competitors limited their operations to the city of Huancayo. The best-selling product is the electrode from the Trikón factory, which no other company distributes in the center of the country. The problems begin when the owners of Cometa find out that their main competitor in Huancayo, which years ago had stopped selling Trikon products due to a serious conflict with this manufacturer, will distribute this product again.
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    La industria automotríz: desarrollos en China e implicaciones para Latinoamérica
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Kamiya, Marco; Ramírez, César
    Due to its size and global reach, the automotive industry raises debate when discussing investment attraction policies, strategies for the insertion of productive chains and technology transfer mechanisms. Today this industry combines three important elements: a) it is a leader in productive globalization (e-commerce, subcontracting and commercialization), b) the production of vehicles in China and East Asia is boosting the market and causing changes in strategies and c) the division between original producers and suppliers is consolidating the number of main producers multiplying the number of subcontractors. These new trends, which include productive globalization, China's preponderant role, and new production chains, force private companies to formulate production strategies; and to governments, to offer a successful promotion.
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    Factors influencing the adoption of microenterprises and their impact in rural Guatemala
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Gennrich, Nicolas
    There is a growing consensus that non-agricultural income represents an important source for household support in rural areas, as the resources from agricultural production are insufficient. One wonders to what extent microenterprises (MEs) help to fight poverty and what factors motivate households to form an ME. The present investigation was carried out in El Quiché, Guatemala, a province very affected by extreme poverty, malnutrition and disintegration, due to the civil war that lasted 36 years. It is found that ME is the most significant factor in household income, but unlike what is expected, its effect on housing and nutrition is limited. Regarding the significant factors in the decision to form a ME, they include human capital, social capital, types of crops and market access. The work also explores the effect of collective activities, such as commercialization, on the development of the ME, since the implementation of fairs and community stores contributes considerably to the reduction of transaction costs and the expansion of the market.
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    Percepción y expectativa de los ciudadanos peruanos frente al gobierno electrónico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Cardona, Diego
    This work presents how Peruvian citizens evaluate government efforts to implement e-government initiatives. First, the basic concepts used in the article are described, then the Peruvian e-government policy is briefly exposed, and it ends up by measuring how citizens perceive e-government and what they expect from it, through a model developed by the author during his doctoral research (Cardona, 2004). The model includes five latent and independent constructs: attitude, aptitude, confidence, relevance, and satisfaction, which affect two latent and dependent constructs: the citizen's perception and expectation regarding their interaction with public administration using information technologies and communication, under the effect of illustrative variables related to citizens, institutions and the environment.
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    Políticas públicas locales y desarrollo
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-12-30) Vargas, Braulio
    This research offers a conceptual basis on public policies and their extension towards State policies, with an emphasis on policies to promote social and economic development in the context of decentralization. It reviews the evolution of public policies, from the welfare state approach to the modern approach of the promoter State, and then explains the process of designing and managing public policies. The article calls the attention to public policies as a way to transforming a situation of social dissatisfaction into a situation of social satisfaction.