JEFAS Vol. 18 Nº 34 (2013)

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    The twin deficits hypothesis and reverse causality: A short-run analysis of Peru
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Sobrino, César R.
    This study examines causation between the current account and the fiscal surplus and fiscal spending for a commodity-based economy, Peru. Using quarterly data for the open economy, the outcomes reject the twin deficits hypothesis. Instead, the evidence points strongly to reverse causality, that is, the current account causes the fiscal account. However, unlike previous empirical evidence on this subject, for a year, the reverse causality indicates a negative causation because the fiscal consumption is not smoothed when positive permanent shocks to the current account occur. In the short run, the fiscal policy has no effect on the current account, but improvements in the current account increase the probability of attaining a lower bounded fiscal deficit. This evidence is consistent with a small open commodity-based economy that is highly exposed and sensitive to external price shocks.
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    Perceptions of professionals interested in accounting and auditing about acceptance and adaptation of global financial reporting standards
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Bozkurt, Orhan; İslamoğlu, Mehmet; Öz, Yaşar
    Nowadays, one of the final aims of the institutions working on transparency and standardization of financial statements, and the publication of standards related to the profession of accounting & auditing has been to put into practice a uniform global set of standards which will be applicable in finance. Before 2000, in the case of a preference between IFRS & US GAAP regarding which should be internationally accepted uniform set of application, world public opinion used to accept U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) as reference. Today, great majority of the world takes IFRS as a reference. This study contains evaluations related to the results of research on the thoughts & perceptions of the professionals interested in accounting and auditing about application and development of international financial reporting standards as national financial reporting standards. As a result of the research, it was determined that those interested in accounting and auditing see significant advantages in the application of IFRS. Accountants and auditors think that in case IFRS is applied, comprehensibility and reliability of financial statements shall increase, at the same time accounting frauds shall decrease.
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    Transactional capability: Innovation's missing link
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Tello Gamarra,Jorge; Zawislak, Paulo Antônio
    The topic of innovation as a source of competitive advantage for firms is consolidated in the literature. An innovation-based advantage is generally achieved by following a structured process, in which technological capability plays a key role. However, a question remains in studies into innovation, which is concerned with the reasons why not all firms that develop a technological capability are innovative. Where is the missing link? Great efforts have been made in attempts to answer to this question. However, the study of this link as a source of advantage for firms deserves further attention. This article aims to present a framework with two essential dimensions: (1) the technological capability and (2) the transactional capability. Technological capability is the ability of firms to make effective use of technical knowledge in order to improve production processes and develop new products and services. Transactional capability is defined as a repertoire of abilities, processes, experiences, skills, knowledge and routines that the firm uses to minimize its transaction costs (ex-ante and ex-post). Given that the present study is a theoretical paper, methodologically it is based on a literature review. The main finding of this study is the identification of transactional capability as the missing link in innovation. Accordingly, to be innovative, in addition to having a technological capability, a firm needs to develop its transactional capability.
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    The impact of intellectual capital disclosure on cost of equity capital: A case of French firms
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Boujelbene, Mohamed Ali; Affes, Habib
    The purpose of this paper is to examine empirically the impact of intellectual capital disclosure (IC) on cost of Equity capital. The empirical research is based on companies listed in the French SBF 120 stock market index. The findings confirm our hypotheses that stipulate the existence of a significant and negative association between intellectual capital disclosure with its two components (human capital, structural) and the cost of equity. However, the negative impact of the relational capital disclosure is not validated. The results in this paper are of considerable importance to both policy makers and firms. In fact, the understanding of the impact of Intellectual capital disclosure on cost of equity capital helps policy makers in the evaluation of the costs and benefits of disclosure. Moreover, with regard to managers of firms, the results show the benefit of enhanced IC disclosure regarding the reduction in their cost of capital. This study is one of the very first to provide empirical evidence of the association between Cost of equity capital and the level of disclosure in the three individual intellectual capital categories (human; structural and relational capital).
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    Localización geográfica y sectores de inversión: factores decisivos en el desempeño de las multinacionales mexicanas durante la crisis
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Basave Kunhardt, Jorge; Gutiérrez Haces, M. Teresa
    During the global crisis, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has withdrawn from developed economies and has substantially increased in emerging and transitional economies. In this scenario, Mexican MNEs have been spreading during the last four years, after starting their internationalization two decades ago. In this paper, we show that the relationship between two factors— economic sector and geographical location of FDI — explains the difference in outcome of corporate operations during the crisis. While positive results have been found regarding investments in Latin America and Asia, less favorable results are registered in investments in Europe and the United States. These findings modify the theoretical approach on the “location determinants” of FDI. Our sources are enterprise's websites and direct surveys applied during the last four years for a sample of 20 of the largest MNEs in Mexico.
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    Efecto sobre la rentabilidad que tiene para el afiliado la comisión cobrada por las administradoras de fondos de pensiones
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Medina Giacomozzi, Alex; Gallegos Muñoz, Cecilia; Vivallo Ruz, Celso; Cea Reyes, Yasna; Alarcón Torres, Alexi
    The pension system in Chile is operated by private entities, called AFP, to which every worker must contribute 10% of their income on mandatory individual savings plans for retirement plus a variable fee to the direct benefit of the AFP. On the other hand, the employer quotes a percentage of worker's compensation insurance to fund disability and survivors through the AFP itself. The affiliate can freely choose the fund that will integrate its individual contribution, as the level of risk to take and the expected return to be obtained, among the five available funds. It is expected that the AFP achieves the highest possible return to their members with the commission charged by your management, but according to the results obtained, there is no evidence found to say conclusively that the commissions influence the behavior of the income of the various funds.