JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 4 Nº 7-8 (1997)

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    Infraestructura de transporte en el Asia-Pacífico: demanda futura, problemas y soluciones
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Kim, Joseok
    The economy of the Asia-Pacific region has registered one of the highest growth rates and this trend is expected to continue. As a result, passenger and cargo traffic has also increased, causing most of the airports and ports to become congested. This has generated the need for the State to invest in new infrastructure that can meet current demand, but the construction of new ports and airports generates a series of challenges, including financing, ownership, administration and regulation; all this in a globalized context, of economic liberalization and integration. The problems presented by the operation and investment in infrastructure, their causes and the possible ways of solving them are reviewed, at the same time that two policy options are presented: planning mechanisms and market mechanisms. Different options for introducing the market mechanism into infrastructure are examined, such as deregulation, the management contract, the effects of the reform, and the role of the government.
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    Oportunidades agroindustriales en la Cuenca del Pacífico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Bailey, William C.; Norina, Lidia V.
    Compares the possibilities of New Zealand and Peru in export agriculture and agribusiness, in which both countries have great potential. He considers that, to remain competitive internationally, both countries must stop exporting raw materials and replace them with products with higher added value. It analyzes the situation and the expected evolution of four New Zealand export products: meat, milk and derivatives, venison and kiwi, and argues that the central aspect to take advantage of the challenges and opportunities in agribusiness is to never forget the importance of the consumer and the consumption patterns, as the importance given to products sensitive to the environment is growing. As possible strategies, mention is made of taking advantage of the comparative advantages offered by nature, developing products specifically destined for the export market, protecting natural resources while maintaining the international competitiveness of agribusiness.