JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 3 Nº 6 (1995)

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    Los estados financieros y el valor de la empresa
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Frank, Hans
    Starting from this case study, the aim is to demonstrate the reasons why financial statements cannot be taken as a good basis for determining the value of a going concern. To do this, the valuation method based on the adjusted book value is explained, in which the accounts from which the adjustment needs for differences arise most should be carefully reviewed when applying valuation criteria: marketable securities and investments, accounts for collect, inventories, fixed assets, intangible values ​​and liabilities. It is also the value of the going concern, for which, in addition to the assets accounted for, intangible values ​​are considered: market, brand, business location, know-how, managerial capacity and operating systems. Finally, the method of the value of the return or based on the profit potential is presented, very widespread in the valuation of companies in progress and which consists of determining the current value of the projected cash flow.
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    Atractivo del financiamiento a las pequeñas microempresas para la banca comercial privada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Copa, Tula; González de Otoya, Gustavo; Linares, César
    In Latin America, small and micro enterprises (SMEs) are considered a tool for combating poverty due to their high capacity to generate employment, in addition to being a significant source of GDP. This article seeks to demonstrate that SMEs, as a subject of credit, can be an attractive option for private commercial banks in Peru. For this purpose, two factors are examined: the Chilean experience of some years ago, since Peru presents the same conditions that made this possible in the neighboring country, and the analysis of the variables that affect the development of SME financing. It is shown that in 1992 the sector of financing to these companies shows great attractions for the financial sector, since there is an insufficient credit offer, the banking entities authorized to provide financing to SMEs are very few, the banks are increasing their money deposits. But at the same time there are risks, such as the arrival of large foreign banks in the market, the emergence of other credit institutions (edpymes) and a high risk of non-repayment of loans.
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    Incidente de negocios: distribuidor conquistado, venta realizada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Solano, David
    This business incident, which lends itself to an eminently qualitative analysis, seeks to illustrate how the marketing mix of a company should be structured, taking into account not only the product to be launched on the market, but also the client portfolio with which account the company. Another aspect to analyze is the decision-making style and its influence on marketing decisions. It is recommended that the solution culminate with the marketing mix proposal that the company must implement and the planning of the actions that must be carried out for this, both inside and outside the company. The analysis of the situation should be taken into account.
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    ¡Qué buena leche!
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Gastañaduy, Alfonso
    This case study deals with the strategy designed by a company to introduce a mass consumer product to the market. It describes all the steps followed in reality to apply the decisional marketing tools. To do this, it shows the contrast between the classic sales approach followed by the company that "rests on its laurels" and that of an aggressive, dynamic company with a clear strategic marketing focus. He recommends also discussing the use of market opportunities that are sometimes so obvious that they are not "seen", and the importance of using market information to optimize decisions.
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    Fuerza de la competencia en el sector periodístico: el caso de los diarios formales de Lima
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Antonio, Javier; Cornejo, Ricardo; Reinoso, Raquel; Soto, Fanny; Uribe, Sara
    Applying Porter's methodology of the well-known five competitive forces to analyze the nature of competition, this article seeks to demonstrate that the competitive advantages obtained by the companies are a function of the structure of the industry and the strategies developed by the intervening companies. To this end, we analyze the Peruvian print journalism sector, that of non-specialized newspapers, exponents of a formal style of presentation of information and aimed at traditional readers, a segment made up of: El Comercio, Expreso, La Republica and La Nación. The results show that, of the five competitive forces, the most relevant for the segment studied are the high barriers to entry, mainly due to the high levels of investment and know-how required; the permanent possibility of substitution by television and radio; and the bargaining power of clients, exercised by distribution agents and advertisers. It can be said that there are two aspects on which the newspapers analyzed have developed their competitive advantages: the barriers created and the positioning achieved.
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    El sistema de franja de precios para los productos agrícolas en el Pacto Andino: definición de cambio estructural
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Del Valle, Manuel
    It analyzes the structural change in the context of the price band in the Andean Pact in order to advance proposals for the reform of Decision 37.1 so that it can consider the systematic and sustained changes in the international product market. The focus of the work is statistical, since the system is updated using moving averages and statistical criteria. Thirteen time series used in the price band system are analyzed and univariate models are proposed for each one of them. Furthermore, a rule is proposed to define the structural change, and the univariate models obtained are used to prove said rule using Monte Carlo test for the thirteen products. It is concluded that the price band system can be useful to face short-term fluctuations in international prices, as well as long-term adjustments, but it is not prepared to solve problems generated by structural changes, so it can be modified to consider this issue, but the basic principle of the system should be maintained.
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    Disonancias entre el entorno local de los negocios y la cultura corporativa en un país latinoamericano
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Berlin, Margalit
    The article analyzes the relationship between the corporate culture of a multinational company headquartered in the United States, which enjoys great prestige worldwide, and the business environment and practices in Venezuela, where it has an operation. The prevailing culture in the corporation is North American and the top managers come from their country of origin. In Venezuela, on the other hand, most of the companies are family-owned, and personal contacts and influences prevail. The research is oriented to the elaboration of a qualitative diagnosis, through rigorous observation and semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that there is resistance on the part of Venezuelan managers to follow the culture of a strict company governed by rules set in a very different economic and political context. The ambiguity between acceptance and low identification with the values of the parent company leads to think of corporate culture as fragmented.