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    ItemOpen Access
    Gobierno corporativo en mercados emergentes: impacto en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima - BVL
    (Georgetown University, 2016-11-09) Burneo Farfan, Kurt; Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.
    Nowadays, the international financial landscape has undergone several developments with systemic implications, such as the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, the slowdown in China (2014 to date), the contraction of the BRICS (2013 to date ), among others, as fundamental to the future of the economies is the performance of firms, it happens that behind these events happen several factors, one of them, poor implementation of good practices and corporate governance and this has led to that the international community put emphasis on ways of conducting business transactions. NGuyen & Xiangkang (2015) state that the main evidence of the effects of not implementing good corporate governance practices are tangibly evident in those countries which have now been multiplied their productivity, already affected by the Subprime Crisis. This work aims to try to answer the question of whether indeed the application of the principles of good corporate governance would have the effect, differentially favorable results with respect to those entities that did not apply these.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Credit information in emerging markets: the rating agencies and credit risk reports, Peruvian experience
    (Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE), 2012-11-21) Cisneros, Diego; Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.; Quispe Salguero, Julio
    This paper seeks to develop a literature review within the main aspects of credit information in emerging markets, important aspect considering that several companies, including the small enterprises, are looking forward to “go” to capital markets. Thus, we will analyze the role of rating agencies and credit bureaus (credit risk report) in the Peruvian market, considering the current state of economic growth that comes through and, the potential of capital market that comes with MILA (Integrated Latin American Market). Besides, this information will become relevant in the following months, because the actual financial crisis in several countries all over the world (focus in Europe, but it could move to some BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – or Latam Countries) has generated a new map in “rating scores” (Note 1) so the questions that we tried to answer is if this unique change is relevant? Or it should be complemented in order to have a significant impact in the market and for the investors.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Risk of insolvency and return of shares: empirical analysis of Altman's Z-Score in the Peruvian mining sector between 2008 and 2018
    (Universidad del Rosario, 2021-02-03) Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.; Burneo, Kurt; Berggrun, Luis
    This research pretends to evaluate the significance of the insolvency risk, referred by Altman's Z-Score, in the explanation of the historical return of the 7 most liquid mining companies listed in the Lima Stock Exchange based on a Market Return Model (MRM) under a cross-sectional approach. In this sense, daily data was collected from the S&P/BVL Peru Select index and the Peruvian 10-year Sovereign Bond between 2008-2018, approximated quarterly by the geometric average to homogenize them with the frequency of the Z. Thus, two central results were obtained: 1) The Z-Score, as an estimator of insolvency risk, is not valid to explain the behavior of the historical return of the shares, and 2) The Market Premium is statistically significant within the yield analysis. Also, contrary to the common literature, the results suggest the validity of Sharpe's conventional CAPM.