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    ItemOpen Access
    Corporate structure and prevention: The three lines model applied to Latin American companies
    (Virtus Interpress, 2024) Lizarzaburu, Edmundo; Burneo Farfan, Kurt; Camacho, Maria; García Gómez, Conrado Diego
    The economic environment in which enterprises operate is increasingly harsh and complex, making business more complex, volatile and uncertain. This context requires a change in the management model based on the three fundamental pillars of governance, risk management and regulatory compliance. In this sense, the presentation of the three-line model is considered particularly useful, as it has become one of the most recognized management tools internationally due to its flexibility and adaptability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the current literature on this management model and then analyze its applicability in business practice through a case study. In particular, the analysis of four companies in the Ibero-American energy sector (Petrobras, Codelco, Ecopetrol, and Iberdrola) reveals that, although the adaptation of the model is generally comprehensive and universal in all aspects, its flexibility is very Large allows adaptation to any organization’s needs and structure. Finally, the study draws some conclusions weighing the theoretical development of the three-line model and its applicability and usefulness to managers as well as researchers and legislators who want to strengthen national business structures.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Gobierno corporativo en mercados emergentes: impacto en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima - BVL
    (Georgetown University, 2016-11-09) Burneo Farfan, Kurt; Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.
    Nowadays, the international financial landscape has undergone several developments with systemic implications, such as the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008, the slowdown in China (2014 to date), the contraction of the BRICS (2013 to date ), among others, as fundamental to the future of the economies is the performance of firms, it happens that behind these events happen several factors, one of them, poor implementation of good practices and corporate governance and this has led to that the international community put emphasis on ways of conducting business transactions. NGuyen & Xiangkang (2015) state that the main evidence of the effects of not implementing good corporate governance practices are tangibly evident in those countries which have now been multiplied their productivity, already affected by the Subprime Crisis. This work aims to try to answer the question of whether indeed the application of the principles of good corporate governance would have the effect, differentially favorable results with respect to those entities that did not apply these.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Determinantes de la rentabilidad no esperada de las empresas bancarias que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima
    (Grupo Editorial Espacios GEES 2021 C.A., 2017) Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.; Burneo Farfan, Kurt; Guevara Medina, José A.
    This research proposes a theoretical framework focused on explaining the unexpected or "abnormal" return of the most representative banks of the Peruvian financial system, which also have shares listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. Likewise, this paper propose a number of explanatory variables such as the ratio of allowance for loan losses (PPP), size of the bank (TAM), asset liquidity (LIQ), leverage ratio (APL), efficiency in the management (EG), fee income (ICM) and general cost ratio (RCG). Thus, an independent linear regression is performed for each bank. Finally, we found that the level of assets is the significant variable in this analysis because it serves as a barrier for new and existing competitors.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Credit risk in emerging markets Peruvian listed company
    (Virtus Interpress, 2017) Burneo Farfan, Kurt; Barriga Ampuero, Gabriela; Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.; Cisneros, Julio
    The aim of this paper is to introduce the importance of the banking credit risk, the main elements that conform it and the main alternatives that are offered to access to a loan as well as a description of its measurement and management in the sector. There will be a general explanation of credit risk and the main parties involved in it. As the topic is developed it is going to be analyzed the lending process carried out by the banks as well as the quantitative and qualitative elements taken into account when taking a credit decision (The 5C’s of credit, credit scoring and models for quantification of losses for instance). Another thing to considerate is that Credit risk arises whenever a borrower is expecting to use future cash flows to pay a current debt. Also, the investors have the access for the information of a client and they are compensated for assuming credit risk by way of interest payments from the borrower or issuer of a debt obligation and the credit risk is a useful tool for the finance management. The Enterprise risk management in Peru changed in 2015 because the local regulator is in process to review the norm, including some aspects of corporate governance; these changes are not included in this research.
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    ItemOpen Access
    Stock exchange in emerging markets: Integrated Latin America Market (MILA) - an opportunity for investment
    (Virtus Interpress, 2017-07-06) Burneo Farfan, Kurt; Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo R.; Barriga Ampuero, Gabriela; Berggrun Preciado, Luis; Cisneros, Julio; Noriega Febres, Luis Eduardo
    The paper is an overview about the Integrated Latin America Market (MILA) until December 2014, including the Mexico Stock Market in the analysis. The papers describes how the market has been developing during the last five years, showing some aspects about the market capitalization, the most traded shares and the S&P MILA Andean 40 index. Besides the paper shows the benefits about the MILA to investors and the relation between the stock exchange index and the exchange rate in those markets, using a correlation model.