JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 9 Nº 16 (2004)

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    Interconexión entre redes organizacionales, alianzas estratégicas y negociaciones: un estudio multicaso
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2004-06-30) Louffat Olivares, Enrique
    The present article intends to carry out an analysis centred on the design and organizational dynamics of the relations of interdependence between two or more organizations. With this intention two dimensions of analysis are established: the conditioning factors, constituted by the elements: strategy, environment, technology and culture, and the components constituted by the elements: departmentalization, line activities/advisory, description of activities, hierarchical chain, level of centralization /decentralization, administrative scope, communication and decision-making capacity. Then, to have a current vision of the application of this analysis in the organizational practice, exploratory research of qualitative type is carried out in three corporate groups with profiles of networks/alliances of the horizontal and vertical type. The results lead to a positive trend in the acceptance and application of this new network proposal, which implies a profound evolution of the design characteristics and organizational dynamics.