JEFAS Vol. 19 Nº 37 (2014)

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    Fusiones y adquisiciones en Latinoamérica, gobierno corporativo y modelo gravitacional
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2014-12-30) Vasco, Mateo; Cortés, Lina M.; Gaitán, Sandra; Durán, Iván A.
    In this study, and by making use of a gravity model, an analysis is made on whether transnational mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are influenced by the corporate governance standards of a country. The study only focuses on the M&A flows from the OECD countries towards Latinamerican economies, as well as using the Kaufmann indicators for measuring, among others, the corporate governance of a country. Evidence is found that the gravity model is explicative of the M&A flows, and that the better the level of corporate governance at both origin and destination countries, the greater is the M&As activity.