Giuristi Vol. 1 Nº 2 (2020)

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    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-12-01) Camacho Zegarra, María Augusta
    I am pleased to present the second edition of Giuristi, which brings together a selection of interesting and topical articles focusing on of corporate law and good governance. They are the product of exhaustive research by renowned corporate law professors, as well as outstanding foreign jurists, who have achieved together a combination to have launched the first one - and that promises to be present in two versions annual-, has been that of having overcome a state of emergency derived of the pandemic that has worn out many initiatives; in our case, without However, it turned out to be more of an opportunity to devote great care and Above all, I strive to achieve this goal and to contribute from the Academy to the construction of a more humane and just society through resources that as well as the publications, show the reflection of the authors in this field.
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    Good governance and transparency
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-12-01) Vilone, Laura
    The notion of “good governance” implies the special place given to the State. Such a model is defined by the effectiveness of certain guarantees such as the independence of the judiciary, the correct and fair management of expenditure but also administrative transparency. Indeed, the latter depends on the sincerity of those involved in public action, on the one hand, and the constant dialogue between the public authorities and the public, on the other hand. The purpose of this intervention is to demonstrate that the realisation of the model of “good governance” is based, above all, on the existence of an administration that fully understands the requirements of administrative transparency. The two pillars of “good governance” would thus be the foundations of the principle of transparency: communication with citizens and their participation in the process of the decision-making process.
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    La buena gobernanza de las finanzas públicas y el desarrollo económico
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-12-01) Tirard, Manuel
    The concept of good governance of public finances emerged in the 1990s within the discourse of international organizations to promote issues well known today, such as the performance of public spending, the transparency of the public budget, etc. After the 2008 crisis, this concept has evolved towards the obligation to respect the budget balance. In any case, the national reception of the international prescriptions in the matter of good governance of public finances must be verified, thus showing the difficulties involved in wanting to apply the same legal rules everywhere. The example of the varied reception of the golden rule of public finances by the laws of European states confirms this.
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    La bonne gouvernance des finances publiques et le developpment economique
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-12-01) Tirard, Manuel
    The concept of good governance of public finances emerged in the 1990s within the discourse of international organizations to promote issues well known today, such as the performance of public spending, the transparency of the public budget, etc. After the 2008 crisis, this concept has evolved towards the obligation to respect the budget balance. In any case, the national reception of the international prescriptions in the matter of good governance of public finances must be verified, thus showing the difficulties involved in wanting to apply the same legal rules everywhere. The example of the varied reception of the golden rule of public finances by the laws of European states confirms this.