JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 12 Nº 22 (2007)

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    El legado de Schumpeter al estudio de la administración de empresas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Berumen, Sergio A.
    In this article it is stated that the most demonstrated statements of the neoschumpeterian theory might be extremely useful for the analysis of business administration. Schumpeterian theory focuses in the use of analogies or biology concepts to analyze the behavior of institutions and social systems. For this focus, the signals that companies receive from the economical system are of three types: a) the technological opportunities and the benefits expected, which are closely related to them, b) the current behavior and the expected one from the demand from its products and other products and c) the changes in costs, prices, quantities, and rentabilities in the markets in which they operate, and in some others.
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    La tensión entre las prioridades del Estado y los intereses del mercado
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Berumen, Sergio A.
    In the social reality, the State and the market carryout specific coordination functions; these agents are closely related but their relation is permanently tense. This article is a reflection on the tension generated between the priorities of the State and the market interests. The theoretical base from which it parts is basically liberal, although it has several minor changes which result pretty convenient (v.g. neoschumpeterian liberalism, Austrian liberalism, and public choice liberalism). The objective, far from proposing a concluding vision, is to demonstrate a part of the wide spread of conceptual liberal possibilities from which this object of study can be analyzed.
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    Riesgo-país y tasas de descuento para empresas latinoamericanas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Sabal, Jaime; Sarmiento, Aleida
    This paper identifies the Latin American companies for which the beta calculation is possible and consequently their corporate discount rates with an acceptable degree of confidence. The selection is based on companies whose shares are listed with sufficient liquidity in both local stock markets as well as the New York Stock Exchange. At the time of the sample, 88 companies had qualified for the direct beta calculation. The instability of the liquidity indicators and the market dynamics themselves make it necessary to update the analysis often.
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    Estrategia de distribución del pisco peruano en el mercado de Estados Unidos: el caso de Texas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Lama, Natali; Martínez, Anahí; Rosado, Richard
    In this piece, the distribution channels for pisco –Peruvian first press grape brandy– in the United States liquor market are evaluated in order to design entry and commercialization strategies for this product, focusing specifically on the state of Texas. To meet this objective, studies are conducted for the size of the spirited drinks market, the characteristics and trends of consumption, the size and characteristics of the export supply, commercialization strategies being used by current exporters, as well as legal and tax considerations that regulate the commercialization of liquor in the US. Finally, the distribution chain is analyzed, from the costs structure to the benefits and margins per participant. The investigation covered statistical data, field investigations for destination markets, interviews with American experts, product testing and pattern studies on the behavior of exporters’ clusters, among other aspects.
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    Plan de negocios para la exportación de empanizados de calamar gigante al mercado de Estados Unidos
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Baca, Liliana; González, Andreína; Méndez, José; Urrunaga, Tatiana
    This article develops a business plan to introduce giant squid in markets in the United States in the form of breaded seafood. The added value that local processing gives to the resource is determinant for obtaining higher prices, as compared to those being paid for squid as raw material, and for entering international markets for finished products. The proposed model covers the marketing plan, operations strategies and economic evaluation; the last one shows the economic results expected and the generated profits. The article ends by pointing out the critical factors of the business plan: the characteristics of the demand in the destination market and the supply of raw material.
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    Propuesta para la reorganización pluridepartamental del Perú
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Alcabés, Nissim
    This paper discusses the transition from the present single-department regions to a structure of multiple-department regions. It discusses the convenience of creating a pilot region and provides some criteria to create multi-department regions and choose the location of the regional capitals. It also provides guidelines to elect representatives to the Chamber of Deputies and the creation of a Senate. Finally, it outlines eight regions to be created by grouping several departments, and an alternative proposal to create regions based on river drainage basins.
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    Haciendo viable la minería peruana: el caso de minería Gold Land
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Centeno Rojas, Adolfo
    Although mining is at present a signifi cant source of foreign currency fl ows to Peru, it went through times of crisis when metal quotations dropped. Many international mining majors weathered the crises with the fi nancial backing of their parent companies or fi nancial multilaterals, and their operative economies of scale. In the wake of the crisis, some small and intermediate mining companies closed their operations, leaving behind a negative impact of their communities and a degraded environment. Yet, other companies, thanks to the commitment of their shareholders, workers and local banks, introduced a number of initiatives to negotiate the crisis. The story of Gold Land Mining illustrates the case of those companies that managed to survive during very dire times.
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    Políticas de fomento a la competitividad de la pequeña empresa
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Vargas, Braulio
    In 2003 the Peruvian government launched a second wave of decentralization and devolution initiatives to the sub-national governments. The move aimed at fostering development, economic growth and job creation with a strong focus on small companies. However, evidence shows these efforts failed because properly planned policies linked to development objectives were lacking. A reference framework is proposed to design local policies that will add economic momentum, relate the local business network to external systems, and create wellbeing by fostering small business competitiveness. To help identify several types of development measures, the paper proposes to take account of the relation between the business activity and its territory, the key factors of success of innovative companies, and the business’s life cycle as related to the potential for innovation and growth.
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    Cía. minera Milpo S.A.A.: valorización de una empresa minera
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo
    Bailey Investments Inc. (BII) was restructuring their investment portfolio and examining the possibility of extending their exposure towards the Peruvian mining industry. Specifi cally, they were interested in investing in the Milpo Mining Company, about which they had very good references. For this reason, they asked MC Peru, who is one of their primary foreign customers, to create a report about the convenience for realizing this investment. They expected a comparison between the market price and the value of ordinary Milpo stock. Analyst Ernesto Valdez, who was in charge of this work, knew that he would only have a short time (three days) to do so, meaning that there would not be any time to converse with Milpo representatives, and his analysis would have to focus on public information available through the Internet.