JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 12 Nº 22 (2007)

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    Haciendo viable la minería peruana: el caso de minería Gold Land
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Centeno Rojas, Adolfo
    Although mining is at present a signifi cant source of foreign currency fl ows to Peru, it went through times of crisis when metal quotations dropped. Many international mining majors weathered the crises with the fi nancial backing of their parent companies or fi nancial multilaterals, and their operative economies of scale. In the wake of the crisis, some small and intermediate mining companies closed their operations, leaving behind a negative impact of their communities and a degraded environment. Yet, other companies, thanks to the commitment of their shareholders, workers and local banks, introduced a number of initiatives to negotiate the crisis. The story of Gold Land Mining illustrates the case of those companies that managed to survive during very dire times.
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    Cía. minera Milpo S.A.A.: valorización de una empresa minera
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo
    Bailey Investments Inc. (BII) was restructuring their investment portfolio and examining the possibility of extending their exposure towards the Peruvian mining industry. Specifi cally, they were interested in investing in the Milpo Mining Company, about which they had very good references. For this reason, they asked MC Peru, who is one of their primary foreign customers, to create a report about the convenience for realizing this investment. They expected a comparison between the market price and the value of ordinary Milpo stock. Analyst Ernesto Valdez, who was in charge of this work, knew that he would only have a short time (three days) to do so, meaning that there would not be any time to converse with Milpo representatives, and his analysis would have to focus on public information available through the Internet.