Now showing items 1443-1462 of 2921

    • La bouche sucree : a brand new concept of pastry shop offering high quality french pastries and selfcustomized french pastries with peruvian ingredients, in Lima (Perú) 

      Levi, Clarisse; Mortellier, Antoine ( Universidad ESAN, 2016 )
      The idea in the thesis is adding a touch of Peruvian flavour to French pastries. Thus, the general objective of the thesis is to evaluate the feasibility of this business by determining the profitability and sustainability ...
    • La Parisienne - Hair Bar 

      Burel, Adrien; Cassam Chenai, Pauiline; Delpeut, Léa; Michalon, Lenny; Prodhomme, Alan ( Universidad ESAN, 2015 )
      The question raised through the business plan is on the viability of opening such a conceptual hair salon in Lima, Peru. This business plan evaluates the potential for financial success of the expanding the concept of “Hair ...
    • La tula bar 

      Matus Navarrete, Álvaro Ismael; Gower De Chabert, Nadiya Jihaan ( Universidad ESAN, 2016 )
      This thesis aims to establish an artisanal brewery in Altamira, Managua as business plan to obtain a Master Degree. There has been a noticeable growth concerning the consumption of artisanal beer in Nicaragua. Presently, ...
    • Laboratorio Burbujas de Amor 

      Ortega Meneses, Luis ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      In the present case study, the shrimp larvae laboratory «Bubbles of Love», dedicated for providing larvae of this crustacean to shrimp companies, receives the proposal to supply a large company of the field, which would ...
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    • Laboratorios Senosiain S.A. de C.V.: primero la familia y después el negocio 

      Espinosa Gamboa, Emilio L. ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30 )
      The present case is about the evolution of a family business whose beginning dates back to the early XX century. Having been a modest provincial pharmacy, over the years it became one of the most important pharmaceutical ...
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    • Latin American private pension funds’ vulnerabilities 

      Guillén, Jorge ( Centro de Investigación y Docencia Ecónomicas, 2011 )
      In the last years, we have been witnesses of significant large rates of return in most Latin-American private pension fund institutions (PPF). This outstanding performance of funds can be explained by an economic boom in ...
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    • Latinoamérica y la cultura en el siglo XXI 

      Giesecke Sara Lafosse, Margarita ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30 )
      This study deals with Latin American culture from the perspective of history and as an essential theme to understand the complexity of the problem of underdevelopment. It examines what is meant by culture, traces the history ...
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    • Lead users method as a source of innovation for E-commerce businesses 

      Ramos Meoño, Paola Lisbeth ( Universidad ESAN, 2018 )
      The objective of the present study is to demonstrate wheter lead user method is more useful than traditional market research method as a source of innovation for e- businesses. Also, to prepared a contribution about the ...
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    • Learning strategies and entrepreneurial attitudes: a predictive model of entrepreneurship intention in Peruvian undergraduate students 

      Bustos Alvarez, Varinia; Martínez-Gregorio, Sara; Galiana, Laura; Oliver, Amparo; Olivos, Mariella ( Universidad del Rosario, 2022-03-16 )
      This study aims to empirically test how learning strategies would fit into an undergraduate entrepreneur’s profile. The design is cross-sectional with a sample of 527 Peruvian undergraduate students. A structural equation ...
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    • El legado de Schumpeter al estudio de la administración de empresas 

      Berumen, Sergio A. ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30 )
      In this article it is stated that the most demonstrated statements of the neoschumpeterian theory might be extremely useful for the analysis of business administration. Schumpeterian theory focuses in the use of analogies ...
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    • Lessons learned from the adoption of mobile internet services in Japan 

      Yamakawa Tsuja, Peter; Matsumoto, Mitsuji ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2003-06-30 )
      The explosive growth of mobile Internet services in Japan has generated great interest in understanding the reason for success. Given that the diffusion ratios of these services differ according to the countries, some ...
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    • La ley y las prácticas de protección al consumidor en Perú 

      Roca, Santiago; Céspedes, Eva ( Centro de Investigación y Docencia Ecónomicas, 2011 )
      This paper offers a panoramic evaluation of consumer protection in Peru up to the middle of 2010. It describes major consumer protection and related laws and analyzes some of its fundamental constraints in its implementation, ...
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    • Liderazgo orientado a la gente en call centers 

      León, Federico R.; Morales, Oswaldo; Ramos, Juan D.; Goyenechea, Álvaro; Rojas, Paul A.; Meza, José; Burga-León, Andrés ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2017-12-01 )
      Purpose – Call centers generate stress and absenteeism in staff and the literature suggests that peopleoriented leadership is the right way of supervision for such a situation. This study compared its effects versus those ...
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    • Liderazgo transformacional como factor influyente en el clima de innovación: el caso de empresas hoteleras en la ciudad de Lima 

      Garcilaso de la Vega Sánchez, Derek Jorge; Rozas Flores, Tatiana ( Universidad ESAN, 2019 )
      La innovación es un arma poderosa para mantener el liderazgo en el mercado y el posicionamiento de las empresas, que como filosofía de trabajo se viene considerando desde la década del 1930. Para lograr la introducción de ...
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    • Limitaciones en la producción de cacao orgánico en la provincia de Tocache, Región San Martin 

      Reyes Lazarte, Diana Estefanía ( Universidad ESAN, 2018 )
      El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si existe limitaciones socioeconómicas, fitosanitarias y fertilización; y de certificación orgánica, en la producción de cacao orgánico en la provincia ...
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    • Lineamientos para el desarrollo de la televisión pública en el Perú 

      Fuentes, César; Juárez, Luis; Mejía, Magda; Romero, Karla; Vizárraga, Rolando ( Universidad ESAN, 2016 )
      Esta investigación presenta una propuesta de lineamientos para contar con una televisión pública que privilegie los contenidos de interés social, cultural y político de todos los peruanos, una televisión con una forma de ...
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    • The Link Class Project: Collaborative virtual teams between Peru and The Netherlands 

      Olivos Rossini, Mariella; Rincón, Sandra; Francoise Rutkowski, Anne ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2015-12-01 )
      The Link Class Project presented in this article provides an example of established collaborative group activities to negotiate and build a report together in virtual teams composed of students at Universidad ESAN Lima ...
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    • Linkages between gold and Latin American equity markets: portfolio implications 

      Yousaf, Imran; Hanif, Hasan; Ali, Shoaib; Moudud-Ul-Huq, Syed ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2021-12-19 )
      Purpose. The authors aim to examine the mean and volatility linkages between the gold market and the Latin American equity markets in the entire sample period and two crises periods, namely the US financial crisis and the ...
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    • Linkages Between Value Based Performance Measurements and Risk Return Trade Off: Theory and Evidence 

      Celik, Saban; Aslanertik, Banu Esra ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2011-12-30 )
      In this study we attempt to investigate the linkages between value-based performance measurements and risk-return trade off in a way to explain cross sectional asset returns. On the side of value based performance measurements ...
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    • Little value creation, articulation and propagating forces: a hypothesis for the Mexican manufacturing sector 

      Roca Tavella, Santiago; Simabuko N., Luis ( Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2015-12-01 )
      This paper evaluates the impact of Mexican trade and productive integration processes during the last 20 years. It finds evidence that growing per capita income in Mexico is directly related to its “trade opening”, but is ...
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